
Cooking spicy foods for non-spicy food eaters...

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I find it hard to cook a meal that is supposed to be spicy not spicy and have it still taste like it should. Any hints, tips or tricks?

For instance, tonight I cooked red beans and rice, a very simple but taste meal. I usually make it spicy enough to make me sweat while I eat and I love it. Infact last time I cooked it, Morgan took one bite and she got heartburn, she didn't like it. So this time I cooked it much less spicy and it just doesn't taste as good.[:/]

Adding spices to a dish, not cooking them in doesn't give the same flavor either.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I cook a different spicy food everyday in the pub i have been running. now if you are using chopped chilis or curry powder, try taking one of those out or the other and then try taking both out. Use some paprika with the chili or with curry powder. do not let her drink water after each mouthful as water will spread the hottness. try jalapeanos instead of chili, paprika also adds spice...
now if you dont want to subtract either of those dishes make sure the first thing you cook, or sweat off is the chili and the onions and garlic, or at least take the seeds out of the chilli. then once you have sweated off those foods aka half cooked them then you add the meat, if you are using powders for mix the powder with some water before adding to the meat so it can spread and not lunmp up with bits of meat, if you are already trying these options, stop cooking hot foods for her:)

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Good advice, thanks man.

I generally cook with jalapenos, cyan powder, onions, and sometimes I'll add a blend of chili powder and a few other things. Sometimes for a little flavor I'll add a couple tea spoons of tabasco as well.

I don't cook very often (I need to more), but when I do she's usually not very happy about the "tempurature" of the food, so I've been trying to tone it down.

If you're not sweat'n you aint eat'n.;)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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tabasco could be getting her as that is good for me but is so strong that it does not hit the taste buds but goes straight to the back of the throat, just use a bit for her, also if you use flour to thicken things up make sure everything is mixed well before you add the flour.
Hot food is the way to go, if aint hot i would rather mc donalds.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Sounds good.
Im not into the tobasco.
Texas Pete. Man...you can do alot with some texas Pete. Ha!
I know some guys who are really into the heat of the food. You know they grow their own peppers make their own concations, etc..
Get a big rush out of the heat!!
But again. Plan accordingly. Some people just arent into it.

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we were growing our own chillis....chillies are for everything, finly chopped with the seeds and tons of chopped jalapeanos, curry powder, good chuck steak slowly cooked with all that and onions and garlic, slow cook for 4-8 hours and then put in a dish with sliced tomatoes on top and a layer of cheese with frozen pastry on top and then chuck in the oven for fifteen minutes or until pastry is golden.....you will like it.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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One thing I've found re. spicy hot foods:

It's important to focus on the FLAVOR of the hotness, not just the shear amount of hotness.

I like hot foods, but every once in awhile I try something where the cook was just focusing on making it HOT, & not on the type of hot (ie the flavor) Some hot sauces, for example, are too vinegary.

My favorite hot sauce lately is Melinda's XXXtra Hot sauce. It has a really nice flavor along with the heat. I like it better than Tabasco (which I actually do like to some extent) because the base of the flavor is more vegetable than vinegar.
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