
Any idea what this rig is worth?

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I have a rig just sitting around and need to get some cash together. Anyone know what I should ask for it?

• The Main chute is a Bogy 195; nine cell; purple, dark blue, black, grey and white; The Bogy 195 is designed to facilitate body weight of 200 lbs and below. The main looks very good. DOM is 1994
• Seven cell reserve; Color blue; the reserve is pretty much brand new.
• No ADD or RSL installed on rig
• Great for a first rig or mainly belly flyer
• Reserve and main are our of container unpacked in a huge duffle bag
• The container is a 1994 talon, great condition. pack is Royal Blue, with a little gray and white in the middle.
• My rigger said this is more for a first rig and belly flyers.
• 90 jumps on the rig, I never got to jump it because I didn’t have the $$$ to get the ADD and RSL put on.
• I might be getting out of the sport so this is just sitting around and I would rather someone enjoy it than it just sit there.
• If you have any questions please let me know and I will answer them to the best of my ability. Ill send pics as well for you.

Firelite Reserve, 7-cell ram-air, 176 ft
D.O.M Sept 87
Glide path International

Bogy 9
Oct 1994
209 Max Weight
Advanced Para systems

Container 1994 Talon, Rigging inovations

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Main - $100-200. Reserve - $100-200. Container - $300. So... $700 tops.

While the main may be okay for people up to 200 pounds, the reserve isn't. Please be sure to specify that exceeding a 1.0 wingloading on the reserve (ie exit weight of 180+) is not the best of ideas in any ad you place.

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I know it seems cheap, but if I was you I'd be weary of buying a rig on your own if you only have 4 jumps. Even if you had 24 jumps, I'd still reccomend that you run this idea past one of your instructors or a local rigger.

I'm not trying to screw the OP out of a sale, but this gear has a variety of limitations that cannot be ignored, and unless you happen to be of the very small minority of jumpers who this rig would work for, your money is better spent elsewhere.

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