
Good vibes for Eric!!

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B|Eric, Enquiring minds wanna know how many times you asked "Are we there yet" on your way back home in the ambulance yesterday? LOL

Wish we could have joined ya for Thanksgiving dinner. Please thank your :)
In the meantime, there's a card and poem enroute to you. :)God bless and have the happiest of all Thanksgivings ever!


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What do you say we try to speed this thread up for the holidays!!!???? :)
Sorry it's been a long time since an update. Eric is healing slowly but surely. He just rolled over onto his stomach tonight without discomfort! If you recall the picture of his stomach that was posted here, it's healing quite nicely. A nurse comes in once a day to re-dress all of his wounds, which are minimizing. PT was able to start coming 2x a week just before the holidays, but left on vacation and wont start back up until after the new year. Which can't be soon enough! Eric is pretty eager to start the rehabilitation process and get back on his own two feet.

It has been over 5 months since the accident and being stuck in bed the entire time is starting to have it's effects on Eric. [:/] >:(

I get stir crazy being cooped up inside for a day, so I can't even begin to imagine what it's like for him! :(

This whole ordeal will only make him stronger though!!

Eric's family were out to the house last weekend for their x-mas celebration. His Mom's back for a visit and cooked a great x-mas dinner! Yummy!

Anyway, just wanted to send everyone a Happy Holiday posting from over in Eric's corner! Hope all is well. B|

And here are a couple of pics from Eric's recent home coming. The Banner is self explanatory and the other is a bunch of us gathered around Eric on Thanksgiving day. :)
Enjoy and stay safe.

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I'll be out at Perris this Saturday mid afternoon for the first time since the accident in 2003 that nearly took my life. The weather's probably not going to be too great but I really hope to see a lot of my friends and fellow skydivers. I'll also be at Laurie's B-day party for a little while Sat. evening. I believe someone owes me beer and or a shot of Jaeger and it's time to collect! B|

Blue skies!

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I'm so happy for you and sad at the same time just because it isn't possible for me to sneak out. I hope you enjoy your day and all the fun vibes Perris has to offer. It is so good to see you doing so amazing...proof that miracles do happen.

My next trip we need to do the Xtreme again.:)

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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I'm so happy for you and sad at the same time just because it isn't possible for me to sneak out. I hope you enjoy your day and all the fun vibes Perris has to offer. It is so good to see you doing so amazing...proof that miracles do happen.

My next trip we need to do the Xtreme again.:)

Yeah it's too bad you can't make it out this weekend, would have loved to see you. Once I get the big operation done we will definitely do Extreme again and I haven't forgotten about that trip to Hawaii either B|B|B|

Blue Skies!

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