
skydiving in the Middle East?

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May seem like a silly question, but in Feb. I am getting deployed to Iraq. Any of you over there is there anywhere (Like Kuwait) where you can jump. Even if I only got a single day opportunity while I was there it would help me stay current, as I promised myself when I started I would always stay current.

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There's apparently a really nice DZ in Dubai. Check in the Events and Places to Jump forum. It's also listed under the DZ's tab at the top of the page. If you come to the Green Zone let me know. I'll be here till August this time and back a month after that. B| Oh yes...........they have a few direct commercial flights per week straight from BIAP to Dubai. It's getting better here! ;)

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Skydiving in the middle east oughta be interesting. I was arrested in Saudi Arabia for flying a kite, so I imagine Saudi is right out.

Turns out that any activity that is not directly related to the glorification of Allah and is solely for pleasure is pretty much verboten in countries that adhere strictly to islamic law (their explanation to me)---Kite flying was in the list--- I imagine skydiving is probably in that list too:(

If it is legal in whichever islamic country you try to jump in, don't land off---who knows what kind of adventure that might lead to ;) The DZ brief there could be interesting "Hazard landing area - Islamic Fundamentalists" :)
Save up all your tax free dollars, and all the leave you earn and take a full on skydiving vacation to one of the giant DZ's when you get back

stay safe out there.

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The post above regarding the Dubai club is correct. They have a King Air purchased and being readied for jumping due "any weekend" now. Frustarting, but when the club gets going, you can get in around 5-6 jumps a day. There were two good boogies there earlier this year.

Saudi jumping is "almost" there, I'm told. The Riyadh club awaits its plane from Jeddah. The Jeddah club has plans to start in a couple of months.

I live in Saudi and get to Dubai twice a month. Currently very frustrated with not getting enough jumps in. Perhaps both clubs get their act together soon. Insh'allah

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I've been on a couple of skydiving trips to Dubai and had a blast. The dropzone was at Umm Al Quwain - pretty spectacular, with the sea in one direction and nothing but sand in the other. And of course the weather was fantastic, although the heat is a shock to the system for us Brits. I have a feeling that DZ is now closing or has closed, and is being replaced by the new one.

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