
good karma

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so i'm on vacation today and i took my boat to the marina to gas it up in a freakin' sideways rain storm. i tie off the bow cleat and look up to find a lump of cash on the gas dock folded in half like you would find in a money clip. i am assuming someone dropped it in a hurry to escape the rain while gassing up. so i'm thinking....they will miss it and come back tracking and find it. dilemma: keep it or turn it in to the gas dock attendant. being the good samaritan i turn it in and i get this look from the guy like 'are you nucking futz?' immediately i think i've made a mistake giving it to him by his expression and reaction. i ask him if anyone has pumped yet today and he said yes two peole had. it's a small marina on a little island so most people know each other. this numb nutz has probably bought a dime bag with it already. what would you have done? i wanna see if i'm runnin' alone on this. waiting for the lightning and rain to stop!!>:(>:(

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yep. i don't think you 'get away' with anything in this world. my personal feeling is that had i taken it....some time down the road it would have come back to me in a negative way. personally, i think mr. gas man should look out for falling asteroids! maybe his conscience will eat at him and he will try and find the rightful owner.

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Yeah, definitely turn it in. Karma always hits at the best/worst times possible. Plus, a guilty conscience is a bitch to deal with.

If you didn't feel good about giving it to the attendant maybe you could have given him your contact info and let him know if anyone comes looking for something they lost to give them your info.

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Dan, you are a good man. You did the right thing. If it had been me, I would have done the same thing and not thought twice about it. Kinda sad these days that you have thoughts and feelings like you are in the minority when you do the right thing.

I hope the weather clears up for ya down there (and up here too!) ;)

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***If you didn't feel good about giving it to the attendant maybe you could have given him your contact info and let him know if anyone comes looking for something they lost to give them your info.

yea, had i been thinking clearly that would have been the best solution. i hadn't slugged my first cup of java at the time so the cobwebs in my head were still fairly thick.

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