
Nor-Cal Jumpers, Burritos and Beer fund raiser for Groovalicios this Saturday

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Groovalicious is having a Burrito and Beer fund raising dinner this Saturday, August 6th after the sunset load. This fund raiser will assist the team on their journey to nationals. So come join us at SkyDance this saturday for jumping and dinner for a good cause.

The cost is $10 a person and includes:

Home Made
Shreaded beef
Refried Beans
Spanish Rice
All the fixin's for a good taco
Keg of :D

Please send a RSVP to manifestRyan if you are going to attend.

Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked

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Will there be enough ingredients to make veggie burritos? I'm feeling like changing my mind - I still have a leftover jump ticket from the American Boogie and have a gift cert to pick up as well.

(If you really care about the veggie thing, PM me)

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Will there be enough ingredients to make veggie burritos? I'm feeling like changing my mind - I still have a leftover jump ticket from the American Boogie and have a gift cert to pick up as well.

(If you really care about the veggie thing, PM me)

Cooks comments,

Yes there will be enough for veggie chow. The only animal product is the actual shredded beef and sour cream. I will have home made refried beands (no lard) spanish rice, and all kinds of fixings that are not animal related.


Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked

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