
Skydiving vs. all other sports Rant

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I came home to my parents house for a few days this week before school starts back. Between school, work, and football season I don't leave Auburn much in the fall. Anyway, my dad took me and my brother to hit some golf balls at the range. Now, I don't play golf (although I did take Golf and got a hard earned A) so after about 10 minutes I was thoroughly bored and began rolling golf balls under by brother's feet just to irritate him. After another few minutes I half jokingly said, "Let's go skydiving." My dad laughed a little and said, "This requires more skill." B| >:(

After I twisted some clubs into pretzel like sculptures, I regained composure and started thinking. No one outside the sport could possibly understand what it takes just to be a good skydiver. Not to mention excell in any of the disciplines. Wingsuits, CReW, RW, Freefly, Swooping, on and on. Someone on these forums has a quote that says If You Can't Die Doing It, It's Not A Sport. Now that may be a little extreme, but seriously. I know golfers and tennis players are talented, but I've never heard about a skydiver taking a Mulligan.

I guess that's what makes our sport and those who participate like a big fraternity. Nobody else understands.

Stay positive and love your life.

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Do you understand snow/water skying, rodeo, underwater welding (I like that one), curling (sad enough) boxing...I don't think anyone understand the full depth of any other sports but the one (s) they're involved in.
All sports are good, all sprots are not for everyone.
We must respect that. No one is better, different, apart then the ones practicing a different sport then them.

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I understand your point and it's a good one. But when an NBA star jumps over 3 people and dunks one handed, people go "Damn thats awesome. God given talent right there." Or when an NFL althlete catches a 47 yard pass diving in the endzone, it makes headlines for a week. When was the last time Jeb Corliss or Luigi Cani were on Sportscenter? I just think regular ole folks tend to look at skydiving and say, "Eh, how hard could it be?"

Stay positive and love your life.

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It is sad, I know that the News rule what the world must like or not:( Heck rodeo people rarely make the front page of anything. A few minutes a year on tv,but there's talent there too...Maybe all sport with high death casualty/risk will never make it "big". But we still have to stick to what we like so will others.

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I've never heard about a skydiver taking a Mulligan

Thanks for my new sig line-I love it

DAMN you beat me to it!!! :D:D

You are both welcome to use my quotes. However, it is copyrighted and you'll need to mail me $37.50 immediately.

Stay positive and love your life.

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