
armadillo pics

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That's a nice shot!!! Like you, I've been trying to get a shot of an armadillo standing on his hind legs but haven't got one yet. I did get it on video tonight, but I'd like to have a nice still shot because it looks really cute. I'll post it when I get a good one.


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Diller ... the killer amadiller

Must be an Oklahoma thing. In Texas, we replace the 'o' with an 'a'--armadilla.


Ahem, I'm a TEXAN born and bred; sentenced to purgatory here in OK.

In an old beer commercial there was a killer armadillo. The by line was, "I don't believe in no killer armadiller, I don't believe in no killer armadiller, ..."

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is it just me or does anyone else just wanna scrub down one of those panzer opossums with a scotchbrite pad to clean 'em up a bit? :D:P

walt, have you tried donning one of those halloween masks to scare the armadillo? :D they make ME jump really high.

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is it just me or does anyone else just wanna scrub down one of those panzer opossums with a scotchbrite pad to clean 'em up a bit? :D:P

walt, have you tried donning one of those halloween masks to scare the armadillo? :D they make ME jump really high.

I thinking the armadillo would look *great* with a bath and a bit of vegetable oil applied to his armor. I sent some pics to an ex-girlfriend and she thinks armadillos are ugly. Personally, I think they're really cute!!!

I dunno about the mask--maybe a Hillary Clinton mask. She's scary. Maybe Martha Stewart. Or maybe a redneck with barbecue utensils.


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Have you ever given a racoon a sugar cube?:D


No, I feed them dry dog food or dry cat food.

Why, what does sugar do to them?



It's really kinda funny. Have you ever watched coons wash their food? It drives 'em nuts, looking for that sugar cube. :D


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I thinking the armadillo would look *great* with a bath and a bit of vegetable oil applied to his armor.

While sitting around the skydiver campfire one night in Florida, after making night jumps, an armadillo wandered into the cone of firelight. Big mistake on his part. Someone got the bright idea (pun intended) to cut open our still glowing cyalume light sticks and bathe the 'dillo in glowing green goo. We ran him down and did the deed. Then laughed uproariously at the nuclear-charged armadillo as he bopped away across the field.

(Dear PETA: cyalume light sticks are non-toxic.)

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