
Master's thesis on Skydiving, etc... I NEED HELP!

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So anyways, like usual, I've put this off as long as possible, but now I finally have to choose a topic for my thesis and start compiling sources. I found a scant few on skydiving, one dealing with hormonal responses in first-time skydivers and another one that looked at psychological motivation in skydivers. The trouble is I need alot more sources to make this thing work. I had almost given up until I saw the Adrenaline Rush IMAX which talked about MAO levels in extreme atheletes. Then I realized I can probably open this up to all extreme sports. Here are some sample titles:

"The Physiology of the Extreme"
"The Natural Response to Unnatural Stimuli"
"Psychological Motivation of the Extreme Athelete"

Just some ideas. Anybody who knows of any good sources or who has done some of this type of work, PLEASE PM me and help me out. I really want to write a kick-ass thesis.

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I'd be willing to stick my head in a PET machine/pee in a bottle/whatever in exchange for about 100 jump tickets. Research is all about replication you know.

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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How skydiving negatively affects your poker skills. You'd know better than anyone about that.


oof, that's gotta sting. Is this the poker game I heard about on the last episode of the show?

Incidentally, what's the best day to come visit you guys? My rig will be here next week, so I can finally start venturing to different DZs.
cavete terrae.

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