
When you think your world has gone to shit...

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think about how worse it really could be.

Hurricane Katrina victims who've lost everything but the clothes on their back and only a concrete slab to remind them of what "used to be"... FEMA and the national guard arrives and offers a family of five a tent and bottled water. None of your belongings survived, none of your family memorialabilia..nothing..is to be found..imagine that and then you have perspective of your life.

Regardless of my current life challenges, I thank God and have gratitude for what I have..I truly am blessed! I have had what others would deem as hard times but nothing like those in the Gulf Coast..they own my heart right now and I will continue to love and contribute to them as much as possible! They will never be forgotten in my life!

PS:May every jumper know that if/when my time comes: it's over Gulf Shores (a nice freefly or bigway over Gulf Shores/pink pony pub or lillian pizza) at ECSC over the beach..otherwise, at dauphin island/mobile bay..all are my childhood memories. My parents have it all in my living will..but regardless...atleast others know it too.


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You are right on the money. I think about how much people were bitching that they got out of town for nothing during hurricane rita... and yet got an email from a friend today who said he lost his place and most of his belongings due to the storm. I was almost in tears considering how much we take for granted. Thanks for the reminder... how I am truly blessed B|


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