
Can someone have "Spelling OCD"?

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I HATE IT when people can't spell. However, I only have one hard and fast rule . . . but I find that there are times when that rule makes me want to buy a bottle of red spray paint and go to town on signs around town:


If you are a skydiver, and you can't spell it, then you need to become a cat or something. Cat. C-A-T. If you want to be an ophthalmologist, take the time to learn to spell it. When I see professionally printed (or even handwritten) signs with the task or purpose of the place misspelled, I want to take out my red spray paint and FIX IT!!!!

So, think I have spelling OCD? :D

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Amen, sister. I'm totally with you.

And very happy that I didn't choose to be an otorhinolaryngologist.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I'm anal-retentive when it comes to spelling words right whenever I type something. I usually don't bother with other people's writing unless they ask me to spell-check and grammar-check their stuff. Then I'll be anal-retentive with theirs... :P
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Im gonna imagine thats just with "writing", my very limited knowledge of sign, is that spelling/grammar, as hearing people know it, doesnt play much of a part! :P
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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the ankle is gettin better. Im almost walking like a normal hippie again.
but now I have a nasty sinus infection that too I.V. fluids to start to fix.
No worries. Beer will be paid! ;)
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Saw a sign the other day that said "Homemade chilli" the other day and it was like someone raked their fingers across a chalk board.

I also h8 when ppl spell everything like it sounds. It actually takes u longer to read sumtyms. They think it's cute.:|

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I HATE IT when people can't spell.

I was taught spelling in a different way than education is taught today. Each grade in school had a list of words that were taught repetitively and read in stories repetitively. Re: Dick and Jane can run. You did not use words you could not spell when you wrote.

My son's were brought up in an education system that did not promote "spelling" as a important part of their grading. They were up in front of their classroom reading essays they wrote with drawing pictures using words they couldn't spell. Expression in language was not inhibited only to words they had learned to spell.

For my oldest son spelling, writing, reading was a breeze. In fact he excelled in jouralism, and studied law.

For my youngest it was a full time struggle. His reading comprehension was fine but he had a serious learning disability when it came to phonics and spelling. He excelled at math, re: a very logical, reasoning learner.

All his teachers passed this off as not important...re: doctors cannot spell, spell checkers were always mentioned when I discussed my son's difficulty.
He went through his education with instructors allowing him to do written tests orally as his grades were 100% when orally answering.

I valued that expressing himself on paper was important to his life and encouraged him by making flash cards for each phonical sound with pictures he drew and colored. We played many games and his favorite was using his flash cards to sound out words. I wrote notes everyday with questions and placed them in his lunchbox, everyday at lunch he wrote down the answer in reply. Writing stories to me and the family was considered as a gift- so I have kept a scrapbook of Mom's day/Birthday gift stories/Christmas stories he wrote to me over the years. He wrote grocery lists for us before going grocery shopping....if he wanted a certain cereal on that list, he learned to spell it. He also wrote lists for shopping re: school supplies, clothing needed....
For many years he also wrote a personal daily diary.

Amazingly he had no problems learning and spelling French! His French instructor played guitar and the children sang songs in French.

When he started keyboarding on his computer (situated in my office next to mine) he was constantly asking me how to spell words- I would break every word into phonetic sounds and repetitively his spelling improved. In actuality he was memorizing every word he knew. The more he e-mailed and was involved on chat lists the faster his keyboard skills increased....the more his spelling ability increased to the point he could use spell checkers without any problem. One computer game he played online involved typing messages to others on his team and he had to get the spelling right and fast in order for the team to win.

The most precious pictures I have of my youngest son are his facial expressions, tongue sticking out- gripping his pencil in frustration trying to spell each and every word while writing a story required extreme effort on his part.

Children's ways of learning are as different as the colors of the rainbow. All people have different personalities, preferences and tastes. Teachers and parents need to be aware of and value these differences. Through observation, parents can learn what kind of learners their children are. Once parents know what kind of learner their child is, they can then develop activities that make the most of their child's abilities.

eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

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Hi, my name is tash and I have spelling OCD :|. Can you tell me when the help group is meeting to collect the red spray paint you mentioned?


(ps - my nickname is always lower case as it's taken out of the middle of my real name)
Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is a special occasion. Avril Sloe

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Here's why most of the people in the world can't spell:


hi omg wut u dooin 2dayz?

duno u?

nutn muc jus sitn rond teh house lol

lol thas funy lol

omg totalliez

Agh! That just made me cringe. I can't stand reading English when it's so bastardised. I have friends who write messages like that, it makes me so angry. :D Although, I'd say I'm far more a grammar Nazi than a spelling one. My spelling isn't as good as it probably should be.

I have a habit, whenever my good mate (good enough to be open with these things) and I are playfully arguing, and he uses a word or term that is incorrect, I kindly correct it. This makes him so angry, then I sweetly say, "Honey, i'm helping you grow." :D You should see the reaction I get from that!


And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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