
Fractured Back Need Ideas

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Hey guys and gals, just got discharged from the hospital. Seems like I will be confined to a back brace for the next 6-8 weeks,Fractured T-11 & T-12 vertabrae,somewhat painful,not allowed to work,drive,walking's not easy can't lay down for very long,defintly can't make love to Chris,goin stir crazy!!! Need some idea:( help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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You didn't list Jumping as one of the things you can't do. :P

I guess you just gotta tough it out. Do you have any hobbies that don't require you moving around alot? You can certainly get alot of reading done in 6-8 weeks.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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When I bust ny femur a while back, I taught myself video editing using Adobe Premiere during the layoff.

Learn new skills and keep in touch with the sport.:)

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Hey... I fractured T6 and T7 1.5 years ago (on 4th of July) due to swooping accident. Spent the night at the hospital, and just standing up took some serious effort. Yeah, it sucked for the first several days, and that back brace is no fun. Then 2 weeks later, I got rear ended.:S>:( Imagine the look of horror on the other driver's face when I stepped out of my car already wearing a back brace! LOL... didn't do much damage to me cuz I saw her coming in my rearview mirror...totaled my car though.

Anyway, I agree with Chris about getting off the pain meds as quickly as possible. I think I was on them for 3 or 4 days after I got released from Hospital. They didn't agree with me very much...(finally resorted to Prune juice:$) ...LOL

I was jumping again 4 weekends later, just hoping my level II AFF student wasn't going to take me for a ride.:| Most discomfort was gone 6 months later... and I could do twisting exercises at the gym with quite a bit of resistance about 9 to 12 months later. My back still tires more easily than before, but that's to be expected. Exercise definitely helps.

So get your significant other to buy you those word magnets; you and your friends will have a load of fun arranging phrases on your new back brace! B|And don't worry about the making love part... you'll be getting it on in the bedroom in less than a week. ;)

Hope your recovery goes well...


Low Profile, snag free helmet mount for your Sony X3000 action cam!

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I was suddenly taken off some medication that caused me to have a real bad Gran Mal seizure. I was in the hopital for about a week, fractured t-11,t-12 25% compression. Placed in back brace 6-8 weeks on pers & MS Cotin 30mg. If that does'nt work possoible surgery,they want to cement it or graft it.
Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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