
Threesomes, jealously, and confusion...oh my

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you'd be surprised (ok.. maybe you woulnd't) how many people know very little about themselves.

Wait, you mean I'm not supposed to finger my urethra? That explains a lot.


(all kidding aside, now I think everything grosses jeiber out now)


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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There are some really incredible people around here and you might actually be one of them. How about giving us the opportunity to find out?

The story of my life is not nearly as colorful and interesting as yours is... :D Not necessarily in a bad way.


I'll see if I can come up with something.
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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(It just wouldn't have grossed jeiber out as much if I said I was peeing out of my urethra and that's what I was going for.)

Actually, it doesn't gross me out, I just don't know exactly where the urethra is. I've seen it in anatomy diagrams, but everytime I've been that close to the real thing, I've had other things on my mind. :)
I don't get grossed out easily, and I can proudly say that a little cotton has never stopped me! :D There are just some things I don't care to know about. :D

As far as you grossing me out.... that picture you posted really caught me off gaurd. I couldn't even respond to the post this morning, I was so disturbed. I've been getting goose bumps/chills all day when the image flashes in my mind. I'm never opening one of your attachments again.... :P

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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throwing some fun kerosine on this...

Why are so many guys against two men and a woman? In other words, why is it perfectly ok for two girls to be with a guy, yet two guys and one girl is evil? Remember Harold and Kumar? They could have both had that cute girl, but they had to have her together, and freaked? :)
"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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throwing some fun kerosine on this...

Why are so many guys against two men and a woman? In other words, why is it perfectly ok for two girls to be with a guy, yet two guys and one girl is evil? Remember Harold and Kumar? They could have both had that cute girl, but they had to have her together, and freaked? :)

Says who?:D
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Then you do not know me. I spend to much time trying to figure out where men pee


In the toilet?

They also invite people over and pee, shit, cum and vomit in their yard and slide through it.



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