
Got an Interview

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I received a call this morning from the division manager of Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. and I have an interview with him on Monday. I'm already nervous about it and it's not for another four days. Any SMART advise as for the interview and how to prepare for it. <praying> Lord please don't give me a stutter and let me act like a big dork in the interview<praying> This is an apprenticeship position with one of the top financial companies in the country. I NEED VIBES PEOPLE!

Safe Docks,

CSA #699 Muff #3804

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I received a call this morning from the division manager of "Bob & Frank" Finanial, Inc. and I have an interview with him on Monday. I'm already nervous about it and it's not for another four days. Any SMART advise as for the interview and how to prepare for it.

I'd advice that you pronounce their type of business correctly, e.g. fi-nan-shul rather than fi-nan-eyal. ;)


<praying> Lord please don't give me a stutter and let me act like a big dork in the interview<praying>

Just be yourself Scott. They're accountants and thus have a soft spot for dorks. ;)

Edited to remove real name of potential employer.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I wouldn't put the name of an employer or potential employer on a public forum, for one thing. [:/][:/]
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I wouldn't put the name of an employer or potential employer on a public forum, for one thing. [:/][:/]

doesnt matter.

As far as the interview goes.. Just go in there and be yourself... Have the attitude that they would be lucky to have you working for them.. Not the other way around.

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Good luck dude!!!

Whenever I'm in a situation like that, I replay in my head: "I will overcome, I will prevail." It helps to calm me, and build confidence... Another, walk in knowing they need you just as much, if not more than you need them!

Give yourself the relax sign before going in!!! B|


Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
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.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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THAT'S AWESOME!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!! I'm sure you'll do great! I'll give you the wise words that one of my skydiving instructors gave me right before i did my first solo:

"Just don't F*CK UP!!!!" :D:)
CReW Skies,
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
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Thanks Gia you look HOT HOT HOT in your Av.

Thanks for the spell check Dave must have not noticed it as I was on the phone when spell checking. Guess I should learn to multi task.

Krisanne it is a national company with LOTS of branch offices so if someone were to do the research to locate the exact office I applied to, well they have to much time on their hands. It's not a challenge DAVE!

CSA #699 Muff #3804

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Interviewing is kinda like skydiving,

Be calm, focused, and relaxed and you'll do fine.

Confidence compounds with how relaxed you are, and vice versa. If you go in thinking you own the place and your interviewer is your best friend, you'll be ready to fly B|
--- and give them wings so they may fly free forever

DiverDriver in Training

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Do you know what type of interview? competency based? try and have some well thought out examples ready
If you are intimidated, imagine the interviewer wearing a big bird costume. Its worked for me before!!
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I received a call this morning from the division manager of Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. and I have an interview with him on Monday. I'm already nervous about it and it's not for another four days. Any SMART advise as for the interview and how to prepare for it. <praying> Lord please don't give me a stutter and let me act like a big dork in the interview<praying> This is an apprenticeship position with one of the top financial companies in the country. I NEED VIBES PEOPLE!

Safe Docks,

I'd say think of the interview as You are interviewing them. That sounds corny but if you know you and you do research on the company, just walk in like you are an employee.

I actually had an interview today with Nintendo and thought the same way and asked them more questions they asked me (they like that).

Good luck Scott.
"...whatever stands against freedom must be set aside, be it ritual or superstition or limitation in any form."

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I wouldn't put the name of an employer or potential employer on a public forum, for one thing. [:/][:/]

doesnt matter.

Matters to me. To each their own. I don't take that risk.

There's some good info on this site that might help with the interview.

I'd tell you to be yourself, Scott... but that might get you in trouble. ;)

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