
Pet Peeves

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people who merge at the very last second (for freeway exits for example) when everyone else has been sitting in line in traffic for ever.
people who drive slow in the left lane.
People who tailgate you in traffic as if you could speed up if you wanted.

Apparently I don't like driving. Welcome to Southern California

Actually I like driving, I just don't like the other people who are doing it.


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You touched on two things that drive me nuts! Someone telling me I'm upset when I'm not.
People telling me they will be at my shop with their rig at 10:00 A.M. and don't show-up till about 7 - 8:00 that evening! The cheap excuses, really get me. Like you said, unless, it's a death in their family, namely theirs, it's just plain RUDE!
Anyone trying to eat off my plate is gonna pull back a stub!


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1) non-stop talkers that interrupt others because they think what they have to say is so important.

2) people that encourage others to make fools of themselves in the name of "fun".

3) people that don't know when they need to stay away from the above behavior so as not to ruin the "fun".

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My worst pet peeve is what i like to call "The Baiter"

when somebody obviously wants to tell you something but they do something like this:

"wow that was crazy" (them)
awkward silence while they stare at me and wait for a repsonse...
"wow {insert name here}, what was crazy??" (me)

If you want to tell me then just fricken tell me, otherwise shut the hell up!>:(

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People who shuffle or drag their feet. I worked at a place that had lots of customers that shuffled. Someone hung a sign in the employee break room that said "NO SHUFFLING All violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the clip":ph34r:

People who walk down the middle of the aisle in a parking lot so you can't get past them.

When people are done filling their cars with gas, instead of moving it and then getting their change, they leave it in front of the pump and wait in the line with the 300 school kids buying slurpees. Pay with a f#cking credit card like the rest of the people in the 21st century.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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