
I'm going to Eloy.........

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I do hear that it gets too hot to jump in Eloy during summer

Thats just bunk. We do however, start earlier and end earlier in the day.
It's been over the 100F mark here already. We still managed 30+ loads each day on the weekends.
As to the heat...after 105 it all feels the same.

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this time of year, after 1pm.. only the foolish and the indestructable continue to jump..

thermals and dustdevils are not your friends...

but you can do 10 jumps pretty easy still any day you get there for 1st or 2nd loads..

(not that i'd know lately.. all work and no play makes jack a dull boy... all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.. all work and no play....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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