
Thank you for your support

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To my familiy of skydivers especially the sexy ones (Melstar and Ladyskydiver oops sorry that slipped:)
Just wanted to say thank you for supporting those of us on the front lines. I havent been able to get on as much as I would like to, but to be able to get an email or sometimes a shout out in the parachutist feels pretty dam good.

Its been a rough couple of weeks but watching some of the highlights of the WFFC and some footages of buddies out in North Carolina gets your motivation going to get back in the air. I can't wait to do the dancing spider again (LDS) and more birdman with Katie, Chuck, Scott, and the new flock. Anyway sorry for the rant just wanted to say thank for supporting us over here.
Blue skies,

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Good to hear from you, Kev. Maybe by the time you get back, I'll have my Firebird (and actually know how to fly it) so we can get in some BM jumps together.

Stay safe and know that you're in everyone's thoughts. Thanks for doing your part, my friend.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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What up dude? Miss you guys, wish I were there to get some airtime. Thanks for the shout out bro.

Drink anything to make you feel happy:) its the thought that counts, thank you.

By the way does anyone know where I can order the WFFC 05 dvd?

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