
buying used....shipping through DZ rigger???

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Hello everyone,

I'm looking to buy my 1st rig (used)online and was woundering how it all works w/ going through your DZ/certified rigger? If any one has done it, what is the normal process, do you normally pay half for them to ship it, then if everything is good the other half goesout.....or what?

i'm new and not looking to get screwed! i know to as my instructor....jsut asking about it here 1st.


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Do the search here - there is already plenty of answers posted.

1) Ask for a phone number to call and talk to the seller about the gear.

2) Ask them to ship the gear to the staff rigger at your home DZ and do NOT send the money before you see the gear. Provide them with your name, your riggers name and the DZs phone number so they can call and verify the info. Do not deal with anyone who refuses to ship to DZ.

3) If you want to be nice, reimburse the shipping costs if, for whatever reason, you decide not to buy the gear.

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This is a pretty small community for the most part and so I would have the seller give you the info of the DZ he normally jumps at and you can get references from the DZO. Most DZO's have no problem doing this if they know the jumper. You would provide the same info to the seller so that your DZO can vouch for you.

Once you establish that the other person is legit and had good references then have the rig sent to a rigger in your area to act as a third party and to inspect the gear. I'm assuming you would want it inspected. The details of the shipping and payment is usually discussed and a mutual understanding is agreed to by both parties. I am in rigger and in answer to your question, most of the time the buyer sends the money afer the inspection.

Be advised that the rig might not fit and so who pays for the shipping to and from the rigger. If the person selling the rig is 6' and 200 pounds and the person buying the rig is 6' and 200 pounds there is still a 50/50 chance the rig won't fit correctly. A rigs fit really depends on the upper body torso differences and waist size. This is just something to keep in mind when talking to the seller.

Good luck on your search.
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Do the search here - there is already plenty of answers posted.

1) Ask for a phone number to call and talk to the seller about the gear.

2) Ask them to ship the gear to the staff rigger at your home DZ and do NOT send the money before you see the gear. Provide them with your name, your riggers name and the DZs phone number so they can call and verify the info. Do not deal with anyone who refuses to ship to DZ.

3) If you want to be nice, reimburse the shipping costs if, for whatever reason, you decide not to buy the gear.

Excellent suggestion here! This is the path of least resistance for both the seller and buyer. A drop zone staff rigger will be easily verified by the seller (remember, he needs someone he can trust too!), and it will make it easy for both your rigger and YOU to inspect the gear prior to sending money.

I've bought and sold gear numerous times now on dz.com, and brokering the deal through a trusted third party is the safest and most fair option for both the buyer and seller. Good luck!

"If all you ever do is all you ever did, then all you'll ever get is all you ever got."

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