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Got home from work, and my bro and sis-in-law (who I'm temporarily staying with) were staying at her dad's cabin up north for two days.

Work went well today; I found an apartment that I liked, and was settling in for a nice 'wind-down' sort of evening.

I had just started the Wild Rice, and was going to cook some lovely salmon with some good greens, when my ex called from 1000 miles away.

. . . It was one of those ¿ "What do I do with THIS bill" ? conversations (cuz I formerly took care of all the personal and business stuff) and I was trying to explain the concept of depreciation, etc.

The conversation went on and on and on. . . and I totally was distracted from said Wild Rice.

From the porch, I heard "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" and I thought, "What the fuck?!"

Fucking house filled with smoke, rice just a-cracklin' in the smoldering pot, cats gasping for air, and here I am on the phone with ex, saying, "Dude! I really gotta call ya back!"

I get into the kitchen, and in my (searching for word here) trepidation (how's that?), I take off the burning pot and set it upon their BRAND NEW COUNTER TOP!!!!!!


I'm totally like concentrating on their house not catching on fire, and this damn smoldering pot burns through their (CHEAP) countertop.

The GOOD news is that it's a CHEAP countertop. My brother is very,,,, er, — frugal, if you will. That means CHEAP.

But still, I freaked out. Here I am, a guest on their couch, and I frikkin nearly burn their house down and ruin their new countertops.

Fortunately, I jimmied the top off (thank God it was just the little 1x3 or sumpthin piece aside the stove) and have to go to Lowe's, Home Depot, Menards, etc. to find out where they bought it, get a new piece, and replace it.

Tomorrow will be spent airing out the house, getting a (thankfully CHEAP) piece cut, and a tube of Liquid Nails.

If I"m lucky, no one has to be the wiser, 'cept you all.

Muff Brother #2169

"You can take the girl out of the sky, but not the sky out of the girl!"

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So what your saying, is that you set his kitchen on fire, ruined new counters, and are replacing the new counter with liquid nails, and airing the house out all with the plans to not inform your brother?

Smoke smell wont go away easy.

Id suggest telling him what ya did. [:/]
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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i'm impressed with your skills - home repair that is - i'll do the cooking, you do the house repair

my renovation project is going on forever, shed is done, insulation - painting - electrical all done, the floating dock is almost done, next is the facia and eaves, then the gazebo, deck and fireplace

jet skis are running, boat works, fridge has beer and wine, empty bedroom

btw - get an industrial air freshner for the burned smell, they are a semi-solid gel like stuff in a container, will absorb the smell, home center or an HVAC supplier will have it
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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Id suggest telling him what ya did.

Yup, agree with you. It's better to tell them and own up to your mistake, rather then them finding out.

Let them know you will pay for all the damage.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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My dad turned the burned piece of formica that I put on their countertop into a built-in chopping block. It just fit right in there, and great placement, too :P

Good on you for having it ready when he gets home!

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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[rquote]So what your saying, is that you set his kitchen on fire, ruined new counters, and are replacing the new counter with liquid nails, and airing the house out all with the plans to not inform your brother?

Smoke smell wont go away easy.

Id suggest telling him what ya did. [:/]

Yes, smoke does not go away easily. Fortunately they have a industrial-type 'whole-house fan' which is making my ears ring at this moment. Lord, if it weren't for that, I'd REALLY be screwed.

Regarding not informing my brother. . .

Well DUH, of course I will. :P However, I have the wherewithal to try to clean up and repair the damage ahead of time to spare him the tweaked-out-freaked-out stress.

• I *saved* his kitchen from fire
(—yeah, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it!) :P
• Fortunately, I've been in construction for the last five years.
• Unfortunately, it has not been in countertops :(
• Fortunately, I have done demolition and a LOT of reconstruction after 6 hurricanes in Florida
• Unfortunately, I *did* accidently put a pot from the stove on the counter (which if it were a counter worth a shit it wouldn't have mattered; but it turns out it's only a .0625 veneer)
• His counter was ALREADY set with liquid nails and caulk only (no screws, etc.)
• Getting the whole thing replaced and airing out the house before he comes home is the conscientious thing to do when one fucks up horribly, even if by accident.
Muff Brother #2169

"You can take the girl out of the sky, but not the sky out of the girl!"

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somewhat on the same topic. The neighbor to my girlfriends brother's apartment just burnt down last weekend. How you might ask? Well, a 15 year old kid set the couch on fire (on purpose) in the middle of the hall trapping his mom and sister who was only 9 years old. They were both killed in the fire. crazy kid [:/]
I may not agree with what you have to say but i'll defend to the death your right to say it.

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you go girl, tell 'em, yea

fix it and then tell him, i bet the repair will be better than what he had before, he should be so glad

might even invite you over to burn down the rest of the house - lol
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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Wooooo! I am a good cook, too! Check out: "YO! Blacken THIS!" http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/images/1572232803/ref=dp_image_text_0/701-9548947-7542758?ie=UTF8 (just a silly URL; buy it where you may)

Insulation sucks.

Frickin beachside condos had blown insulation. Your roof falls in, your ceiling falls in, your blown insulation pads all of that with more weight, which makes your floor collect water, which makes your downstairs ceiling fall in. Rinse and repeat. Blown insulation and soaked blue or white board everywhere. Icky Icky Icky.

I'm great with painting, know my surfaces, naps, and can spray with the best of 'em (0-5 winds, of course); not worth a crap w/electrical (I'm skeeered!!!) have done facia and soffit, and while I'm not a brick layer, I know how to do 'cut brick' w/stucco.

Never jet skied in my life, love boating, fridge has wine, and I think we just might have a date, hee hee!! :$:$:$:ph34r:
Muff Brother #2169

"You can take the girl out of the sky, but not the sky out of the girl!"

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