
Doberman needs a good home and a caring owner

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do you know anyone who wants and would care for a 3 yr old Doberman with AKC papers he is not fixed weighs around 100lbs and is gentle.

My Idiot nephew and his worthless wife adopted him yesterday and now want to return him because he tries to mount their female mixed breed.

I want to punch both of them out


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I can't take on another dog right now, but your nephew and wife are idiots. The mounting can be stopped with training, being firm, and being consistant. The dog isn't trying to breed he is trying to state dominance over the other dog. He sounds like a confidant dominant dog, which if you ask me make the best pets but you have to be on top of your game with them.

Have them start out with 'NILIF' it's not a magic pill but rather teaches them how to be alpha. Once the dog learns that they are in charge they will be able to make it stop humping their female.

My confidant dominant male will rarely hump another dog and will stop humping the second I tell him to.
Fly it like you stole it!

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My confidant dominant male will rarely hump another dog and will stop humping the second I tell him to.

DO NOT tell my wife how you manage to get him to do that, she'll try it on me:D:D
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The dog isn't "fixed" that is why he is mounting their other dog.

Would love to, but I can't, good luck in finding a home. Why not let them take the dog back though? If they just adopted him it shopuld be somewhat easy to "return" him and hopefully they won't get their money back!

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Let me check with friends and see if anyone's interested. I'd love to, but the condo I live in has a "size limit" for a dog (a whole whopping 25 lbs. :D:S:D).
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The dog isn't "fixed" that is why he is mounting their other dog.

Being fixed has nothing to do with mounting it's a dominance gesture. Unless the female is in heat which she isn't. The male is showing dominance over the female they are trying to establish pack order, and he is trying to say that he is above her. Female dogs mount also for the exact same reason, my female mounted my male to show him she is in charge. I allowed it because I agreed that she was above him in status. I also made sure she eats first, she is allowed on the bed he is not, things like that, I'm alpha I establish the pack order in my house. If my male tries to mount my female I correct him and make him be in a down next to her for a few minutes. The down position is a very submissive position to a dog which is why it is one of the harder positions to train. Which gets back to all this dog needs is a strong human leader and training.

Then again I have a dog a pets mart trainer said needed to be put down. :S Thank god I was going to a real training facility at the time learning to be a dog trainer because she was completely wrong, he just needed a strong leader which is something petsmart doesn't teach you how to be.
Fly it like you stole it!

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I will commend them in that they at least showed some sense of responsibility by returning the animal so it now has a chance of finding an owner that will be committed to the dog. There are those who would do worse.
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