
Wings Pull-Out Owners... Please Read

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Hey everyone, I'm going to be getting a new rig sometime soon, and I'm heavily favoring the Wings so far. I'm going to be getting a pull out on whatever I get, and I'd just like to get some opinions on what the Wings pull out system is like. I've been jumping a pull out for a while, and I don't want this to turn into a pull out vs. BOC debate, just opinions on the wings specific pull out setup. Likes, dislikes, etc... Thanks!
God made firefighters so paramedics would have heroes...and someone can put out the trailer fires.

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The handle on my Wings looks like it would be a pull-out, but it's got about a 1 inch piece of binding tape connecting it to the PC, regular BOC style. Great pin protection, takes an extra second to grab but a pull-out will, too.

Just another option for ya. I've had no problems with it so far and plan on keeping it.

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I used one for about 500 jumps before switching back to a throwout, which I did to clear my wing top burble better on camera stuff. The part was the wear factor, my pullouts were wearing considerably faster than a throwout.

Mine worked great, I particularly liked the security of it for freeflying and the positive pin extraction for slow and low hop n pops. I only experienced 2 floating handles from week pulls, which I easily extracted with a thumb sweep to the tuck flap.

Make sure when you pack that the eyelet in the main bridle is on top of the bottom flap, just under the right side flap next to the main bridle coverflap. This allows for the cleanest pin extraction. I also had the best results with packing the p/c under the midflap rather than off the side of the bag as some do.

have fun, Hixxx
death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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I come from a DZ where Wings are very popular. Three of the guys I jump with regularly have PUD's and I have a BOC.

Here is what weve found with Wings Containers.
#1 the bottom of the container has rounded corners, so we don't turn the bag, Put it straigh in lines at the bottom, bridal at the top. (PUD or BOC)

#2 Keep on top of your main PC. If you start getting line twists you may need a new PC or have the kill line lengthened. You will find that the Wings container holds the bag well, so you need a decent snatch force to have a clean on heading opening.

#3 One of my friends (with PUD) had troble with the bag spinning on deployment, causing line twists. After trying several things, the biggest improvment came from lengthing the bridal. PUD containers come with a much sorter bridal then the BOC's

Also Note - We are all tall guys (over 6') and Freefly (big suits) therefor more burble. We all jump sub 100 HP Canopys, therefor we hate line twists.

#4 You need a good rigger familiar with Wings to get a good Reserve Repack. Found myself in a pinch for a Repack and then had the riser covers poping out untill I could have it packed again. Other guys said the same thing.

#5 Very Confortable. We all agree on this.

Well that is about all I can think of. We all are very happy with the containers, and 2 of the PUD guys are on there 2nd one. I'd buy another for sure, just wish they had the skyhook as an option.


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Wow, that's exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for all of that. How much did he have the bridle lengthened by? Maybe I'll get them to do it when I order it. As for the rigger thing, I've been packing both my wife and i's javelins for a while now, i've heard they're somewhat similar to pack, and you can use a lot of the same tricks. Thanks so much for your post.
God made firefighters so paramedics would have heroes...and someone can put out the trailer fires.

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I gave him an extra bridal that I had (Standard BOC length) and he had it modified by his rigger to work on his PUD.

I'm not completely sure of the lengths but if I remember correctly the PUD was about 4.5 - 5 FT and the BOC was closer to 6 FT.

Just tell wings you want the longer (Standard BOC lenght) Bridal. I'm sure it's not a problem.

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Yeah, those lengths are about right. I'll make sure to tell them, because if I were to just modify it after, that's more material to be squaezed into the main pack tray. Not that it'd be very signifigant, but I'd like the rig to be just barely big enough, so it's something to think about.
God made firefighters so paramedics would have heroes...and someone can put out the trailer fires.

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