
getting a first rig...

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Hey skydivers!

I bet quite a few ppl already asked this kind of question, and I am therefore very sorry to do it too, but I need your help!

Here's it:

I did AFF last year and were able to do about 60 jumps since then. Now it is about time to get my first own gear - unfortunately I have this feeling I get cheated on anytime I wanna buy a rig! I did check out a couple, but anytime I showed that rig to another person than the owner, ppl told me that the rig was shitty and the price way too much. So right now I am pretty careful about buying a rig or not.
Anyways, this is what was offered me now:

Container: JAVELIN dom: 1992 (I know it is old, bit it is in really good shape since it was not jumped that often - had it just checked, too)
Main: Sabre1 150sqft. dom: 2000 (I was told about 400 jumps)
Reserve: MicroRaven 150sqft. dom: 92
AAD: Cypres 2 Expert dom: 2005

The current owner offered the equipment to me for 2200 Euros ( equals approx. 2900 US-$). Now my question: DFo you think this is an acceptable price for that equipment? For some reason this sounds a little too much to me (although it includes a CYPRES2)! Dunno whether I am right or not - what do you guys think about it??? What would you pay for that? I'd be sooo happy for some response - I really want to get a rig (btw I can't afford a new one right now) cause I am just addicted as u to that wonderful sport!
Thank you so much in advance!

Always blue skies and safe landings,

Nico :)
p.s. please excuse my bad english - I am from germany!:$

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2200 euro sounds about right, yes. Maybe 2000 is better.

But is the rig right for you? For a 150 at 60 jumps you shouldn't weigh more than 65kg. What have you jumped before?
A sabre 150 might open hard, have you jumped this particular canopy. Does the harness fit you.

ciel bleu,

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Hey dragon2,

thx for your reply at first!
Well, imo it does fit pretty good - as far as I can tell (haven't had the chance to jump it yet). And, errrr, I do weigh 73kg - but did jump a 150sqft. sabre1 for the last 10 times. I heard about the rough openings, but I was also told about the quality of that canopy (maybe I am wrong???)

Thx for answers - it does help a lot! :)

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73 kg gives you a wl of slightly over 1.2 which wouldn't be allowed in The Netherlands, also a 150 wouldn't be allowed <100 jumps anyway. That said, it is not totally unreasonable if your instructors agree, just be careful with it.

ciel bleu,

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1992 Javelin - US$400
Sabre 150 - US$400-500 (Are the lines original? If so you'll probably want to reline it soon; US$200ish to have that done)
MR150 - US$300-400 (Do NOT load this over 1.0 body weight - so if you weigh more than 150 pounds, it's not a good choice. They weren't designed to handle and don't land well at wingloadings higher than 1.0.)
Cypres2 - US$1000

I wouldn't pay more than US$2300 for that rig.

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i just purchased my first rig as well, jav ody J4 DOM 7/04, with brand new pd 176, cypress with 2 yrs left on it, the harness was completely replaced by sunpath to my exact measurements($400 include in price) and and the system itself has every option possible, and all foam was replaced and the main is a sabre 210 ---- $3400 us dollar for all
blue skies!!!

hope this helps

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Well, I figure that gives you an exit weight similar to mine - around 80 - 84KG with your rig. That means you have a wing loading of around 1.18... call it 1.2 even.

Personally, I wouldn't be jumping that high a wing loading this early in my career... I won't be there until at least 100 jumps, but I guess it's a personal thing.

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