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Sound off, runners! how are we doing on Couch to 5k? How are you doing on your own program? Did you stick to it? Does anyone have any cool tips for us? :)
Me, I only got one day of running in. My fault. I blew it. :$ I am doing week one again (I'd have to anyhoo, my heart rate is too high to move on. :ph34r:).

My TIP: I have to get my run in as early in my day as possible. Otherwise it is waaay too easy for me to say 'I'll do it later...I'll do it later...' then later I'm too tired. :S

I am struggling with a pretty real road block: sleep deprivation. We go to bed around 1am, and the boys are up about 3:30-6am every morning. My doc has warned me to get sleep, but when I nap during the day I feel lazy (and I KNOW I'm being lazy!!! I am just laying there when I should be doing laundry or cleaning up a mess or working out but I'm being...lazy. :|)

I'm trying to figure out this Podcast thingy to download onto a CD but it's giving me fits! :P

Anyhoo, I know I can do it if I can just get that run in prior to 2pm.

So how 'bout you guys?! Successes? tips? Questions? :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I only got one run in last week. I was travelling too much for work. :( I'll be repeating week 1 as well. I downloaded the podcasts, but I haven't tried running to it yet. That'll be tonight's goal.
Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?

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I did 3 days last week. I will do week #2 starting tonight.

With the podcast, what is the extension of the music you downloaded? They have mp3s on there which will work on any player.

It has to be burned onto an audio CD for me...apparently my hubby's MP3 Player is broke. :S UNLESS I can download it onto my Palm pilot...it plays back MP3's, but I think a CD would be much easier since I run on a treadmill that has a built in CD player and speakers.

Now this stupid 'Real Player' thing isn't working. >:( Grrr....I'll have to figure out if this 'Nero Burner' program is still working...:S
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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It has to be burned onto an audio CD for me...apparently my hubby's MP3 Player is broke. :S UNLESS I can download it onto my Palm pilot...it plays back MP3's, but I think a CD would be much easier since I run on a treadmill that has a built in CD player and speakers.

Here's my suggestion.....Get iTunes and use it to download the podcasts which are in MP3 format.

In your iTunes Preferences for Burning (Which should be found Under Preferences - Advanced - Burning tab)....Set it to burn Audio CD.
Create a Playlist called Running and drag a couple of the Podcasts into it. (Remember, the podcasts will be expanded into AIFF files which are much larger so I figure you will only be able to put an hour's worth on each CD...2 podcasts)

Click on the Playlist name and then click on Burn Disk...which will be found in the lower right corner of the iTunes window.

I am giving instructions on iTunes 7....just so you know.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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plus getting a cold killed it for me.

Back in my younger days..........when I was tougher. :D..........I used to like running when I had a cold. Kinda sucked at the time.........like running always does..........but for an hour or two afterwards I didn't even know I had one. Sinuses would be clear as a bell. :)

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It has to be burned onto an audio CD for me...apparently my hubby's MP3 Player is broke. :S UNLESS I can download it onto my Palm pilot...it plays back MP3's, but I think a CD would be much easier since I run on a treadmill that has a built in CD player and speakers.

Here's my suggestion.....Get iTunes and use it to download the podcasts which are in MP3 format.

In your iTunes Preferences for Burning (Which should be found Under Preferences - Advanced - Burning tab)....Set it to burn Audio CD.
Create a Playlist called Running and drag a couple of the Podcasts into it. (Remember, the podcasts will be expanded into AIFF files which are much larger so I figure you will only be able to put an hour's worth on each CD...2 podcasts)

Click on the Playlist name and then click on Burn Disk...which will be found in the lower right corner of the iTunes window.

I am giving instructions on iTunes 7....just so you know.

Hooray!! I'll give it a shot! :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I only got in one run on Thursday, travel plus getting a cold killed it for me. :(

Y'know boys and girls, it looks like most of us got '1' run in last week (except Lisa, because she's kickin' ass! :ph34r:).

I say, "NICE JOB, US!!!!!" B|B|B|

-How many runs did most of us do the week before? Or the week before that? Or in the past 5 years, for me? :$:)
Last week was a warm up! And we did GREAT!! B|B| This week we can really start.

All we're doing is building on small successes, gang. As long as we just keep stepping forward, we'll get there. Even if all you did is get dressed down in your work out clothes and then got called away, we are creating habits that will make us strong.

I'm proud of y'all! B|

Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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For anyone out there who's having trouble finishing the week one routine like I am, try the podcast. I havne't been able to do more than halfway without getting too tired and dropping to just walking, but with the podcast I just made it all the way through! I think it took my mind off of running and made it easier to just do it. One down, two to go! :)
Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?

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Here's my suggestion.....Get iTunes and use it to download the podcasts which are in MP3 format.

DO NOT TRY TO BUY ITUNES FROM THIS SITE: http://www.free-download-site.com/itunes/ IT IS BOGUS. THEY JUST TOOK $51.29 FROM ME (unauthorized -my total in my 'shopping cart' was $23.46 for a 'lifetime membership' :S) and then they SHUT ME OUT of the site with a bogus 'SERVICE UNAVAILABLE' page. >:(>:(>:(

I am disputing it with my bank (just got off the phone) and they said no prob they will put the money back in my account. At least I had enough sense to print out a receipt. [:/]

Gyad I feel stupid. Now this bogus company has all of my credit card info. :(:(:(:(
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Gyad I feel stupid. Now this bogus company has all of my credit card info. :(:(:(:(

If you haven't already, call your CC company and see what they suggest that you do. If it means cancelling your card...do it.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Also, how did you get the URL for that site? Did it come in an unsolicited e-mail or did you happen across it in some other manner?

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Ok.... someone make me go! Hubby needs some help... I am all ready to use that as my excuse... but it is only 7:30... I can still do it! Right?

Hope you wound up doing it. You feel that much better when you're done.

I ran a half marathon this weekend - in the pouring rain - at mile six, thought I'd just run it, not for time, but for training, then a guy on my running team (NY Harriers) saw my Harriers shirt, and asked if I was running for time. I said no, he asked what my best was, I told him, he said, "you can beat that. Let's go." and basically goaded me for seven more miles. Average HR was around 178. Thought I was gonna DIE.

But - Beat my PR by over 1:40 - Total time: 1:50:54. I couldn't believe it.

So keep it going. Don't quit!! :)
"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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Gyad I feel stupid. Now this bogus company has all of my credit card info. :(:(:(:(

If you haven't already, call your CC company and see what they suggest that you do. If it means cancelling your card...do it.

I did, and they were really good about it (I used to work for them :$)


Also, how did you get the URL for that site? Did it come in an unsolicited e-mail or did you happen across it in some other manner?

I Google searched for 'ITunes' and looked at each page and found what I 'thought' was the official website. Turns out is was one of those false fronts...y'know, when it says 'www.ITunes.com' but routes you to their 'www.downloadfreestuffbullshityouidiot.com' page that has a false front and all of the 'trappings' of the real thing.

I feel so stupid!!! For the love of Pete I have additional web addresses that feed into my own biz site just depending on who I'm marketing to...I didn't think to see that someone might be using the same forwarding ability to pull a scam. How freaking dumb! [:/]:S:P

Oh well I have total control over that account and will be watching it closely.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Did 5 runs last week, took yesterday and today off, and am planning on running again tomorrow. I don't like taking days off. [:/]

Whoa, Kel you rock star!!! And here you were the one that didn't think she could squeeze it in! You're my hero. B|:ph34r:
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I am sorry for having contributed to your misadventure...from now on I'll put up a link to the real iTunes website if I suggest getting a copy of iTunes to do anything.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Did 5 runs last week, took yesterday and today off, and am planning on running again tomorrow. I don't like taking days off. [:/]

Rest: Rest is as important a factor in your training as is running. Without adequate rest you will injure your muscles, possibly beyond repair in time for the race. During the week, you rest while training by taking walk breaks and you also rest by not training for longer than 60 minutes at a time. Resting allows your muscles to rebuild stronger than they were before.

Just sayin'...
"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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