Stepping out on the ledge....

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HOLY SHIT! I just quit my job--I walked in there, handed over my notice to the boss lady...

She was very sweet to me about it. She said she really hates to see me go (esp with the fantastic review and pretty good raise that I got last week) but knows I am going to better myself and wished me luck.

I'm going back to school on Jan 8th. HOLY SHIT, I can't believe I just did that. :o

I feel relieved, excited, scared and happy all at the same time--it's kind of nauseating...

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I did the same thing 3 years ago, quit to go back to school full-time (rather than the part time I'd been doing for 4 years) and finish my degree. It was so danm fun to be back in school!

Finished the degree, got a job and a $12,000 pay increase! :oB|

Arianna Frances

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I feel relieved, excited, scared and happy all at the same time--it's kind of nauseating...

I know that feeling. I get it when my canopy opens up over my head!

Seriously though, good luck and congratulations on your bravery. You'll be so proud of yourself when it's all said and done.:)

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Yay Mel!!! Travis and I are HERE FOR YOU if you ever need any support. Or just to go and play in the sky.

Good luck - I know this is the right choice, and you are brave to bite the bullet and do it.

"Ive seen you hump air, hump the floor of the plane, and hump legs. You now have a new nickname: "Black Humper of Death"--yardhippie

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Good for you! I can't imagine taking such a risk myself, but then again, I like my job and wonder on a regular basis that they pay me to do it!

Enjoy your holidays and the joy the new year is sure to bring you - not to mention the homework ;)
Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

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