
Oh.. runners?

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Yeah but you run for a loooooooong time. I only do 4 miles/5x wk. And I've only recently bumped it up to 5. And I dont even run the whole time.. I do it in 45-50 minutes or until my bad ankle feels like its going to fall off.
But still.. I'm running (and my ass looks awesome! hehe!)

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I've been meaning to post something like this for a while. I made through week five (which included a full two miles on the last run of the week! woo!). Unfortunately, on the day of that two mile run I started feeling a little icky, but I was just so excited about the two mile run that I did it anyway. And then I got stupid drunk later that night.

The combination of those two factors sent me into a sickness that kept from running for three weeks. :( I just started back yesterday, and I started from week 4 again.

So the answer is, yes I am, but I had to take a break. [:/]

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Yeah but you run for a loooooooong time. I only do 4 miles/5x wk. And I've only recently bumped it up to 5. And I dont even run the whole time.. I do it in 45-50 minutes or until my bad ankle feels like its going to fall off.
But still.. I'm running (and my ass looks awesome! hehe!)

I am envious that your ass looks awesome. Life got busy with my son in 2 plays for xmas and some projects I am working on. Work is pushing a huge deadline and it has me exhausted.

Excuses... but the last thing I want to do is run. I was going to try to get myself to at least walk. Do something!

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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Well, I have the same excuse as Lindercles...quite literally, I've been sick for 3 of the last 4 weeks. B|B|B|

I didn't get as far as he did on the run schedule, but damn I need to get back at it when I'm 100% again.

And Kel I was thinking the same thing the other day, too!! I thought "Damn! Did I just bail on all of the other new runners? I suck!!!" :D:D:D

I still wear my $100 running shoes almost every day!!! Does that count a little bit? :)
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Yeah, I can't afford a gym. Maybe when I get back.

I just want to remind you that when you were drunk last night, right after you fell down and almost broke your foot on my coffee table, you promised that you would join my gym when you get back from Thailand. And a promise is a promise! :D:D

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