
Crazy weekend in football, eh?

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And I didn't even get to watch a game - only abotu a quarter of the Cincy-Oakland game, where my beloved Raiders got their asses kicked - their first real ass-kicking (even though they've lost the last six) in over a month.

I turned on ESPN this morning to see what happened with the weekend games. It looks like the Saints rocked Dallas, so the weekend wasn't all bad (my favorite team is the Raiders, and my second favorite team is whomever happens to be playing the Cowboys.)

But other wacky stuff was going on. The Pats skunked by the Dolphins? Jax thrashing Indy (375 rushing yards? The Colts rush defense was always "suspect" but this?). The Giants took it to Carolina. The Cardinals over Seattle? Huh? Buffalo over the Jets?

This is just getting crazy. The playoffs are gonna be great this year because there is no team out there that does not have a large Achilles heel. Da Bears? What's up with that offense? San Diego? Not only is the secondary suspect, but it is Marty Schottenheimer coaching. Colts? Bad defense and history against them, too.

I am looking forward to this.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Hell, the Packers finally remembered how to play and won. How strange is that?
“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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I don't usually watch football - skydiving and all that other stuff gets in the way..

But, I started watching the Dallas/Saints game.. It was F...ing great... I picked it up in the second quarter and the Saints had just got a TD with less than two minutes.. Next I know Dallas has more points before the half.. Then the turn-overs.. 4th quarter on-side kick, interception in the end zone.. It was just a hoot..

I was expecting the reverse fullback pass!!:)

Once the plane takes off, you're gonna have to land - Might as well jump out!!

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