
Hannibal Rising

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I've read it......It contains all the favourite subjects, Hannibal, Death and Eating people!

Whilst it offers an explanation of how he started to become bad and more about his wonderful memory palace you get to thinking that this might have been written at the bequest of the film producers so that they could turn a very commendable trilogy of films in to a series of four - which suprisingly they have have, it is due out in the UK in Feb I believe, but obviously without Tony Hopkins for I think it difficult for a man of his age to pretend to be an 18 year old medical student of a child in the war on the Russian front.

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As a book, its very good. As a part of the Hannibal series, it doesn't really measure up. It seems to me that the more Hannibal becomes the central character in the series, the less actually evil he becomes. In Hannibal (which was just superb) he is made more palatable by mostly killing people who 'deserve it' in some way. In Hannibal Rising he is killing those people who killed his sister.

In that way the tagline 'evolution of his evil' just doesn't seem to fit. Insanity yes, evil no. Hannibal seems to have become more of a vigilante than a villain. In Red Dragon and Silence of the Lambs you get more of the feeling that he'd just kill people for fun.
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In Hannibal (which was just superb)

It was good but "superb" is over-rating it slightly in my opinion. It could have ended about 2 chapters earlier than planned and this would have made the book a whole heap better. The whole 'brains for dinner' scene was so laughable it actually ruined the book for me.


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In Hannibal (which was just superb)

It was good but "superb" is over-rating it slightly in my opinion. It could have ended about 2 chapters earlier than planned and this would have made the book a whole heap better. The whole 'brains for dinner' scene was so laughable it actually ruined the book for me.

Maybe. I didn't find it to be too much of a let down, and the writing earlier in the book (specially when it's just Hannibal in Forence) is excellent.
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