
How long has it been?

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Yeah, if I could make it that far... :)

I passed out about 15 minutes after giving, and all I did was walk back to my desk and eat.

If I went directly home, I would've passed out on the ride home [:/]

When I told the paramedics what my BP was when I gave (90/60), they were shocked and said the people NEVER should've stuck me in the first place.

I was also denied about a month earlier because my iron was too low (I guess I passed the second time around), so maybe I'll give next time when I have more iron in my blood and my BP is higher :)

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They should not have let you give.

Though you know you are supposed to stick out in the canteen area for 15 minutes.

Sorry for the icky experience

That's another thing...they let me give when they shouldn't have, can I really trust them again?

And they didn't make me stick around, just asked if I was okay (I felt fine at the time), and then sent me on my way. Maybe because there was a long line behind me.

Yeah it wasn't the best of experiences, but I DID get to help :-) I'll give again one of these days.

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... since you last gave.

I'm not allowed to give apparently my chequered past puts in the "HIGH" risk category and they wont take my blood:(
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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I was deferred for the 3rd time today. Stupid hemaglobin recommendations... it wasn't bad today... just a bit below. But I hate the walk of shame. Funny part was the poor phlebotomist was trying to tell me how to increase my iron in my diet.... then she said - "you might want to call a doctor if this is a chronic problem." I just smiled. :)

Given 71units and want to get 10 gallons before I go on a medical mission to Africa.... and they keep deferring me. GGGrrrrrrr!

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Hey, at least they stopped you before you started. At least two or three times I've clotted mid-donation and they've had to throw the whole thing out. :(
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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