
Studying Too Much

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I have been studying too much. According to my Dr., that's what's wrong with me.

I had been getting horrendous headaches, enough to send me to bed and to make me lay there and cry. Not the kind of headaches that migraines are, but still, horrific and intensely painful, blurred vision, dizzy and nauseous, the works. But I'd take some tylenol pm, sleep, and everything would be fine in the morning.

In class one day, I realized that I couldn't see the board anymore. And then, noted that the headaches were most often in the evening, after class. I initially chalked it up to poor lighting in the classroom and stress, but the headaches continued.

So I went to the eye doctor yesterday. My vision has deteriorated somewhat (not too bad), but what the problem is seems to be that I have been reading and reading and working the class problems over and over and using my eyes close up (sitting there for several hours at a time) a whole lot. So the muscles around the eye have tightened up, and thus I have lost some of my distance vision because the muscles won't relax.

So now I have "anti-reading" glasses, which are to be used any time I need to see far (classrooms, driving, et cetera), but not use them while I'm doing anything less than 5 feet in distance. This will, hopefully, relax the muscles and allow the distance vision to come back (to an extent).

I asked for a Dr.s note to "not study", but she didn't go for that. She just laughed, and told me to do what it takes to maintain my GPA, but to use the glasses appropriately. She wants to see me in 3 months, and then again in 6 months, to check to see if things are better and if the muscles have relaxed.

But that's only a maybe. In the meantime, I will wear the glasses when needed...and I have to say, it was a very strange feeling to put them on last night driving, and be able to see everything so freaking clearly and distinctly. It was great. I could also feel the release of the muscles - it was a weird sort of crawling sensation and less tension.

I still wish she'd've given me a note to not study so much. That would've been funny. Useless, but funny.

Just thought I'd share. :)

~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Eek, had no idea it was possible to study too much. Thankfully i don't have that problem. :D

I'm glad your doc was able to figure out what was wrong. Headaches suck. Take it easier on yourself chicky.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Nobody is going to look at your grades once you are out of school...

No...but the grades I get now will allow me to get into the school(s) I want to get into; and then the ranking in the classes there will allow me to choose my workplace with better options and negotiations. So it's at least three years of "studying" too much before no-one cares. Until then, everyone cares, and everything matters. Sigh. So I'll wear glasses. Meh, there are worse things, you know? And besides...they're kinda cute. Donna Karan 1/2 frames...


Eek, had no idea it was possible to study too much. Thankfully i don't have that problem.

Me either. LOL, and here I was thinking I hadn't studied enough, considering the grade in Chem isn't an A.

{quote]I'm glad your doc was able to figure out what was wrong. Headaches suck.
She is a great Dr. Said my prescription should not have caused the headaches, and then we talked about things; which is when she decided that anti-reading glasses, with several progess checks (and likely new glasses) through this next term is what we'll try. Can't wear contacts with this, because they are only "part time" glasses, so hey, I'll live. My vision is good enough to not wear them most of the time, so I'll be fine.


Take it easier on yourself chicky.

I'm trying...thus the decompression weekend...classes don't start until Tuesday, so I'm sleeping, cleaning, and overall just being a housebound bum (some errands to run tomorrow, but other than that, a big ol' bum!).

But like I said, keeping a 4.0 (or as close to that as possible) right now is vital to be able to choose which school I go to next...and then a 4.0 for the next few years in that school so that I can choose my employer...and then I'll take it easier. If I don't die in the meantime. Sigh.

But it's all good. I figure I can do anything as long as I know it will end...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Sigh. So I'll wear glasses. Meh, there are worse things, you know? And besides...they're kinda cute. Donna Karan 1/2 frames...


Have you seen this Bonfire Poll? You're gonna drive the guys wild with desire, and you won't have the time to bother with them... :ph34r:

Poll: Women who wear glasses
Turn on - 78 / 69%
Indifferent - 31 / 27%
Turn off - 4 / 4%

What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy
ones? -- Monday.

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School and grades are important.... but not at the expense of your health or sanity.

Seek balance, young one. (said in a somber, and all knowing voice)

It is important to be competitive for the schools you want and the placement .... but don't throw away today entirely. Still take the breaks (10min every 1-2 hrs or so won't kill your GPA), still go outside and breathe in fresh air, still talk to friends (or postwhore too... that works).... still enjoy life. Too much stress is bad.

Take care of yourself!!!

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thank goodness that i realized
"studying tooo much" could be trouble,,,
and so I cut it out ...35 YEARs ago !!!

I'm a lot dumber than I might have been because of it...,,,, but no headaches,,
and i can see just fine,,, i don't LOOK so good, but i can see ok.......:DB|;):)
take care of yourself so that in your Higher education , you are the one DOING the diagnosing and NOt the one,,, being diagnosed....
go easy,,,, it's not a 100 yard dash,,, but rather a cross-country 2.5 mile race course with all the normal ups and downs....you need to be in good condition when you reach the end....
so that you can revel in the accomplishment...
relax, relax, and relax.......:)

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Unstable, I so want to jump....it's been wayyyyyyyy too long. I am going to have to wait until I can get - and stay - current, both for financial and more importantly safety reasons....but when that day comes, I hope to still have eyes to see the whole beauty in the sky and to land safely. LOLOLOL~


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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It is important to be competitive for the schools you want and the placement .... but don't throw away today entirely. Still take the breaks (10min every 1-2 hrs or so won't kill your GPA), still go outside and breathe in fresh air, still talk to friends (or postwhore too... that works).... still enjoy life. Too much stress is bad.

You're so right, Dr. And I do try to get up and move around, clean, walk outside, or whatever (TV, phone, postwhore), at least 30 minutes for each 2 hour block (and yes, I schedule that in there...).

I am trying to find the balance...at least, this semester I don't have classes spread out over the whole week; I'm only on campus T, W, Th, so I can have some time to myself and be able to study still. Yes, it's still 16 units, and yes, three classes
are -logies, but still...I've managed to get it arranges and handled so it's not quite so weird as fall semester.

And I am trying to make it so that I have at least ONE free day a week - no studying, no chores, no nothing...so I can sleep, or go for a drive, or...??? whatever. Play. One day a week to play...that's what I'm working for. So we'll see.

But you're right, Dr....balance. I'm not so good at that...but I try.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Have you seen this Bonfire Poll? You're gonna drive the guys wild with desire, and you won't have the time to bother with them...

Poll: Women who wear glasses
Turn on - 78 / 69%
Indifferent - 31 / 27%
Turn off - 4 / 4%

If I do drive anyone wild with desire, it will be the first time in my whole life that has happened, so I wouldn't quite know what to do anyway! LOLOL!

Actually, I read that poll, and it made me feel better about what's happening to my eyes. Like I said, there are worse things...glasses aren't so bad. And my eyes are not nearly as bad as before I had lasik (about 7 years ago now...). So overall, it's all good, and it's not as bad as it could've been.

I look forward to driving someone wild with desire, though....right now, I just drive 'em crazy. :P


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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take care of yourself so that in your Higher education , you are the one DOING the diagnosing and NOt the one,,, being diagnosed....
go easy,,,, it's not a 100 yard dash,,, but rather a cross-country 2.5 mile race course with all the normal ups and downs....you need to be in good condition when you reach the end....
so that you can revel in the accomplishment...

How right you are, JT. And how much I need to be reminded about that. LOLOL!

I was/am disappointed in my performance in Chem...and was worried that my father would be, as well. But I talked with him about it last night, and he was appalled that I would think he'd be disappointed in my grade. He reminded me how hard I'm working, and how much effort I'm putting into this; and he also reminded me that I am not my grade, no matter what that grade is. He said he doesn't care what my grade is; he sees me busting ass on stuff, and that he knows I've done my best. And did hearing that from Pops feel good? You betcha.

The long road...not the short dash. And I have to remember that....


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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To whom it may concern,

(Name) is, until further notice, under the care of his/her physician. It is imperative that he/she let his/her eyes rest, preferably while dropping at 175 ft/sec. for one minute, to be followed immediately by hanging suspended in a harness for three to five additional minutes at various altitudes. Under the powers vested in me by the States of Denial and Misery I hereby direct all of his/her instructors, professors, and teachers to withhold all study materials and requirements until such time as I see fit.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Dr. Arnold Friend, PhD, CIA, NCAA, NSPCA, TKB

Just fill this out and hand it in to your profs. :)You owe me one!B|

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there you Go..... M.

as the father of a college graduate
and another soon to complete...
I learned just how hardworking and dedicated and sensitive to grades, each of the kids, are/were...
THAT alone,,, seeing how much THEY want to succeed, brings pride to a parent like you can well imagine.....
Grades??..... well grades matter to some extent, and to some people,,, but if the battle is fought, and fought with spirit, effort and the right amount of intensity..... THAT is the benefit of higher education,,,, not some arbitrary score, meted out by sometimes Unrealistic , inconsisant faculty members....
... You got an........... A in Anatomy,
would maybe get a ...............B in Biology,
so if you get, even a ..............C in Chemistry, that seems about right.....B|
Only Pleeeaaaasssee.. don't take any classes in FRENCH!!!!!!!![:/];);)


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Dear Dr. Willard. I owe you big!!!! That was too funny; thanks. I swear, I just might print that out and bring it in, for giggles. Might be fun at some point (I make it a point to have some fun during classes...).

JT wrote:

... You got an........... A in Anatomy,
would maybe get a ...............B in Biology,
so if you get, even a ..............C in Chemistry, that seems about right.....
Only Pleeeaaaasssee.. don't take any classes in FRENCH!!!!!!!!

I got an A in anatomy, an A in bio...might've managed a B in chem...

Next semester I'm back in the bios which I love; microbio, physio, psych, and English 101. I am working for all As again, which would mitigate the chem grade even more. :)
But you're right; Dad's proud of how hard I'm working, and how much I'm challenging myself. He's a damned fine parent...and I am blessed to have him in my corner and in my life. He's a wonderful cheerleader.

And, he liked the new spectacles. :)

~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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