
So in the envelope my A license came in.....

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It's the only way to keep the damn thing folded. It's also so you feel even cooler pulling it out of your wallet, then out of the sleeve, then show it to people when you're drunk at parties.

Well, you see, it seems to have a negative effect on many men when they hear that I skydive. (And I don't ever bring it up, but my non-skydiving friends love to tell the whole bar:S). It usually seems like they back off a step or two. Women want to hear more, men want to change the subject.

What's up with that?

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Well, not just bars. At work, it's more women than men that want to know about what I'm doing. A few guys will ask, but for the most part, they don't even acknowledge the conversation is taking place. One guy has pretty much stopped talking to me since I started.

I don't care, I don't skydive to get a reaction from other people, but I do find an interesting phenomenon.

Of course, my family (sister and husband) take the least interest of anyone! They won't even come watch me in the tunnel, or watch any vids, or even ask me about it. I guess if we don't mention it, it's not really happening.

But I digress.....:)

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Are you making this up? Do other people have this reaction from "outsiders" too? Everyone that finds out about my jumping thinks it's really cool, and they want to know how many jumps I have, and how the gear works, and how safe is it really? Everyone at my work (at the gym, not the rigging loft) thinks it's great, and they tell their students about me. i've rarely had a negative reaction from anyone. The worst was my grandfather asking why base jumping wasn't illegal, but he really isn't upset about me jumping.

Then again, most of my friends are young, everyone I work with is under 35, and everyone else I know is a jumper (or somehow related to one) ...so that may be the difference.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" ~Adam Savage

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No, I'm not making it up! I wouldn't call most of the reactions hostile, just they give off the impression that they would rather not hear about it. Which is fine with me.

I will say, there is a 23 year old guy at work who always asks me about it and asked me at a party this weekend if I'd take him to the DZ so he could do a tandem.

I told him to ask me again when he's sober, and if he still wants to, I'll take him up.

So maybe it is an age thing. Maybe it's my imagination!! No worries either way. I couldn't care less whether or not anyone approves of my hobby. I'm doing it for myself, by myself. And making awesome new friends along the way that are interested in the same things I am.

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Oh yeah. It's all I think about. I've already designed my container about 4 times. But first I have to figure out what size of main it's going to need to contain.
I'm so impatient!!

Nah, You are ENTHUSIASTIC!B|;)
*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too!
*Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge
*Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie}

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Protective sleeve for your license?

Ok, I'm an idiot. You're right. It fits perfectly. :$:$:$


I'm an idiot too, i got my USPA memebership and had the same little envelope, and wondered WTF it was for:ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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Well, yes, but you keep forgetting, we're the same person. Remember? ;)

We can't be my Moobies are bigger than you Boobies:ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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Well, my cat's moobies are bigger than my boobies.

We've had this discussion before. What they lack in size they make up for in sensitivity.:P

How sesitive can you feel me rubbing them from 10,000miles away,,,,well if not they're no good to me:D:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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