
Strange Saturday Evening

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Last night I went to a pool hall in San Antonio, where a friend of mine recently started waitressing. I hung out for a few hours, alone, just shooting pool and playing darts and visiting with my friend when she wasn’t too busy. The evening was relatively uneventful, unless you count the middle-aged woman who bought me a beer for having the “the nicest ass there”--It's no revelation that middle-aged women dig me; but it’s something of a surprise to learn that I’ve grown an ass--But lonely older women aside, it looked like it was going to be a pretty tame evening, until I left the pool hall and walked to my car.

My car had been broken into. That, in itself, is not terribly surprising, considering it’s the sixth time in the six and a half years that I’ve lived in Central Texas that I’ve had a vehicle broken into, but what was surprising was what I found.

Though I specifically remember locking the doors when I got out of my vehicle (a 2003 Chevy Tahoe), it was without any signs of forced entry. That is unusual, but even stranger is that, despite rooting through most of my stuff, spilling my change cup on the front seat, and pulling everything out of the side pockets, whoever broke into my car took nothing. They left behind an MP3 player and a radar detector that were located in the center console, a digital camera that was under the front seat, and two tool kits that were in the back. The lack of forced entry or anything missing is pretty strange, but that isn’t the strangest part--While I was looking to see if anything was missing, I found an empty purse lying in the front seat.

I asked inside the pool hall to see if anybody had reported a purse missing, but nobody had. I debated calling the police, but there was no damage to my car, nothing of mine was missing, and the cheap cloth purse seemed untraceable, so I decided not to worry about it. I left the purse with the bartender, in case somebody came looking for it later.

At that point I simply counted myself lucky that nothing was damaged or missing, wrote the incident off as "one of those things," and started the hour-long drive home. Then, at a little after two in the morning, as I was driving down the interstate toward San Marcos, I heard a cell phone ringing. It wasn’t my cell phone--I could see my cell phone sitting beside me. I couldn’t tell where this ringing was coming from, so I pulled over and started looking for it. Between the driver's seat and the center console, I found it--a blue Sanyo cell phone.

I didn’t answer it because I didn’t have what I would consider a believable explanation for where I found it, but at that point I did use my cell phone to call the police and ask the location of the nearest station, so that I could drop off the phone and make a report.

After driving for a while and still not seeing the exit that the officer I spoke to told me to take, I called the police again and spoke to a second officer who informed me that there are no stations anywhere near where I was. He suggested I just mail the phone to the police station, but it occurred to me that there was a very slim chance the owner of the phone might actually be in trouble, so I decided I wanted to get it to the police right away. The officer to whom I spoke agreed to have an officer meet me where I was, so I parked in a hotel parking lot and waited for forty-five minutes, until an officer showed up to take the phone and my report. I ended up getting home about five o'clock in the morning.

My best guess is that somebody broke into my car (possibly by replicating the signal for my remote door locks) and then used the cover of my car to root through a stolen purse. I don’t understand; however, why the person or persons who broke into my car rooted through my stuff but didn’t take anything. My only guess is that they were looking for cash or drugs. If that’s the case, they were definitely in the wrong car. Anyway, it worked out okay for me, except for throwing off my sleep schedule, so I’m not sweating it too much. But it was definitely a weird night.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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Yeah me too! When i came back to my house someone had brokin in and stolen everything i owned and replaced it with exact duplicates!!!!!!!! someday i'm gonna get that bastard. well its off to the tattoo parlor to get a tattoo of me on me (only bigger) later
No matter where you Go!"there you are"!

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I had a similarly odd break-in experience during college. I had someone break into my car and steal my stereo. It was a very courteous crook though. He took the time to unclip the trim around the radio, take out the screws and clips, unplug the wiring harness from the rear of the radio, replace the clips and screws as well as the trim. A friend had his stereo stolen and the guy just tore everything up so thoroughly there was a lot more damage than just the missing tunes. If I had to get robbed, at least I got a good one!

That's pretty freakin odd with your story. Hopefully you don't find any used condoms. Maybe it's time to pick up a blacklight and run it through the car! :S
Killing threads since 2004.

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I had a similarly odd break-in experience during college. I had someone break into my car and steal my stereo. It was a very courteous crook though. He took the time to unclip the trim around the radio, take out the screws and clips, unplug the wiring harness from the rear of the radio, replace the clips and screws as well as the trim. A friend had his stereo stolen and the guy just tore everything up so thoroughly there was a lot more damage than just the missing tunes. If I had to get robbed, at least I got a good one!

That's pretty freakin odd with your story. Hopefully you don't find any used condoms. Maybe it's time to pick up a blacklight and run it through the car! :S

I actually considered the idea that somebody might have broken into my car to have sex in it, but that doesn't explain the empty purse or the cell phone, and it doesn't explain why they rifled through my stuff. Also, it would take a pretty sophisticated crook to break into a modern vehicle without damaging the vehicle or setting off the alarm, and it seems unlikely that somebody with that kind of technical knowledge wouldn't have someplace better to get laid.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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I had a guy break into my car to steal my stereo. actually, they didnt break into my car. the pass door was unlocked. my GF broke the auto locks by pulling up on the handle as I hit the power locks, stripping the gears (you could unlock, but not lock them w/the button). I forgot to manually lock that door that nite.

funny thing, he only got the faceplate. he gave up on trying to pry out the unit itself. and for some reason when he left the car, he took the damn thing with him.

the only annoying part was I actually went to best buy that AM to inquire about what to do about my broken stereo that was covered by a BB warranty. it would freak out and stop responding to the buttons. Hell, when you turned off the car, it would keep on playing.

they wanted me to rip it out and bring it in for credit.
I didnt have time to take it out that day, and was gonna do it the next day.

then most annoying part, was that even though I still had the unit (which was dead and under warranty) they prevented me from getting it fixed (I had to return it with all the parts). I would have to buy a new faceplate, which was almost as much as the unit iteslf...
Two wrongs don't make a right, however three lefts DO!

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My best guess is that somebody broke into my car (possibly by replicating the signal for my remote door locks) and then used the cover of my car to root through a stolen purse. I don’t understand; however, why the person or persons who broke into my car rooted through my stuff but didn’t take anything. My only guess is that they were looking for cash or drugs. If that’s the case, they were definitely in the wrong car. Anyway, it worked out okay for me, except for throwing off my sleep schedule, so I’m not sweating it too much. But it was definitely a weird night.

I saw something somewhere on TV land demonstrate that a puff of air from a tennis ball with about a pencil diameter hole in it would open electric locks. [:/]

My vehicle was "broken" into a couple of times with nothing taken. The last time they cleaned me out, though. Stay away from Harbor Lights in East Houston. :|
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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I actually considered the idea that somebody might have broken into my car to have sex in it, but that doesn't explain the empty purse or the cell phone, and it doesn't explain why they rifled through my stuff. Also, it would take a pretty sophisticated crook to break into a modern vehicle without damaging the vehicle or setting off the alarm, and it seems unlikely that somebody with that kind of technical knowledge wouldn't have someplace better to get laid.

They rifled through your gear in hopes of finding a condom, when they came up empty the used the money in her purse, in some imanginative way. they had just finished the deed and heard you comming so they scampered away, but neglected to grab the now empty purse and the cell phone, you should use the phone to call all their friends :)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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