
Want creative ideas for my kitchen remodel

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I'm remodeling 625 square feet of my house and changing it from useless "pretty" room into kitchen. Big ass 4x9 island, 42 feet of base cabinets, 30 feet of wall cabinets, lighting atop and under the wall cabinets, 10 foot bar and a big ass tv mounted in the upper corner of the eating area for the sports bar effect. All within a budget of course.
How about some creative but realistic ideas that I should include in this project? Should there be an outlet in the island? Pendant lighting on the walls? How about running wiring for speakers whilke the drywall is down? What's popular and really cool to have? I'd like some ideas here people!


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You can NEVER go wrong with having too much counter space. Same goes for cabinets. Get a floor thats easy to clean. Try and keep the sink, oven, and range in places that make sense. The most important thing is having it all flow so just walk around and think about the way you would naturally do it. And remember the kitchen is the most expensive room BY FAR so its going to cost you some big $$$. Lighting is also another very important thing. Its usually a good idea to stay away from an island because it really hurts the flow of the room in 99.9% of the cases. If anything, go for a large counter with stools and maybe a tv.

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My aunt and uncle remodeled their kitchen a couple of years ago. By far the best idea they had was to put large pull-out shelves for their under counter cabinets.

Pots and pans, and other large ensundries are very easy to retrieve from any place on the shelf. Just open the cabinet doors and pull the shelf out!


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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