
Saying goodbye to my brother...

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A few people on here know that my brother died last week. He was 25 years old. He was epileptic and apparently drowned after having a seizure while swimming laps. I am posting, not for vibes, but because I'm damn proud of who he was and I want people to know.

My brother graduated law school last May and took (and passed) the Colorado Bar Exam last July. He had just started his life as a lawyer. He had some of the best courtroom talent around, and he could have made huge amounts of money working as a litigator, however, he found his calling in Family Law. He had taken on some clients on his own, and I'm told that he had a difficult time billing them when he knew they couldn't afford it. Apparently he even took a $30 retainer for a rather big case. All this while struggling with his own finances.

His memorial was last saturday. At the memorial, we allowed anyone who wanted to get up and speak to do so. We heard from many, many people, and they all had the same basic message that he was a good person who genuinely cared about everyone. Just about everyone who talked said that he was their best friend, who always wanted to do the right thing. One person even spoke who had only met him once and spent one day with him, but she was so touched by what she saw in him that she had to come and speak.

This one hurts alot. His loss is beyond words. I always thought he would be there. For the last week everything has felt hollow to me. There were so many things that I was looking forward to doing with him. I wanted him standing next to me as my best man when I get married. I wanted to have the 'spirited' political discussions we often got into. I wanted to see what he made of himself. Now I will never get to do those things. I'm always going to miss him.

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Your brother sounds like he was a pretty great guy. Thanks for sharing a bit of his story with us. Even though he was only around for 25 years I'm betting he'll touch a lot of people for a lot longer than that.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Sorry to hear about your brother Dave. Just as you are proud of his accomplishments, I’m sure he was proud of yours. Did he ever get to experience freefall (as in being a tandem passenger)? If yes then he knew why you took to the skies.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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No, he never went skydiving. He had said that he wanted to at some point, but he never made it out to the DZ. Nevertheless, I know he understood me. I took him rock climbing a number of times, he'd gone whitewater rafting with me a few times, and he knew my way. I wish I'd had the oppurtunity to get him into the sky though.

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Dave I sent you a MySpace message too...

I'm sorry to hear about your brother Nicholas. It sounds like he was an amazing man. :(

That hollow feeling you have right now is perfectly natural; albeit painful as anything. Right before I opened your thread I was sending a PM to a friend about balance...and how such sad things seem to throw the balance in your life off, and sometimes you just have to wait for the pendulum arm to swing back to find your balance again...

God rest your brother, and heal your heart.

Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I don't practice family law, or I might have had a better chance at meeting your brother. I'm sorry I missed out. He sounds exceptional and that is the kind of person our profession needs. Still, I know he was much, much more than his profession and that your heart is going to need a long time to heal. My best to you and your family as you begin the process of moving forward.

TPM Sister #102

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