
motorcycles suck ass

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First let me say that I deeply feel for you and your family's loss and the loss of a fellow rider.

I think the subject line is what got other riders hackles up. I have been riding MC's, both on and off road for 40+ years and have always owned at least 1 since I was 11. I consider myself a very competent rider and have luckily been in only 1 accident on pavement, due to a stoned kid in a VW beetle locking up brakes for a U turn at 50 mph on a back country road. He was cited for the accident, and I loss a lot of skin but nothing broken. Helmet saved my life.
As I said, he was cited but the fact that I was not able to stop/slow/evade in time to miss him made me feel that part of the responsibility was mine. After that accident, and this was in 1973, I had a serious re-evaluation of my riding skills.
I am very involved with riding groups and group riding, being director of a local HOG group here. I ride an 800 lb. beast and to this day I still practice panic breaking, swerving and situational awareness.

With the passing of AZ Bike Week here, I was again witness to so many people on bikes that really have no clue to riding. So many buy bikes and ride just to be part of the crowd and simply have no skills to match the machine. I see riders all of the time that NEVER touch the front brake. For some reason, they think they will be able to stop with the rear, and believe me, that is simply not going to work when you really need to stop fast.

Riding, in my opinion, is very much like skydiving. I practice my EP's every time I put on a rig. I practice in the hangar, waiting to board and on the plane. Just like skydiving, the skills that really count when riding are the ones that you need when things don't go right.
You are right to say 'be careful', so many do not and we are seeing more and more riders hurt.

Again, my deepest sympathy for you and yours.

To others that ride, practice your EP's on the bike too. Just like jumping, you simply never know when you need them.

Motorcycles do NOT suck ass... riders being hurt sucks ass...
"I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late."
Mathew Quigley

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My sincerest condolences to you and yours, Kenz. I'm so sorry. :(

When I was 7, my father was riding and got sideswiped by a haytruck on a country road and it took off his left leg. But he's lucky; he didn't have a scratch on his head, sans helmet. So after months of surgery, ICU, and physical rehab he came out ok. But it's changed his life drastically and the way I personally view riding bikes, that's for sure. I'll take jumping over riding any day. No diss to those that do ride, it's just something I don't ever think I will do.

Just be careful out there, people! [:/]

There's something about the smell of jet fuel, nylon, and adrenaline that gives me a huge boner.

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Hey kenz,

This is the 2nd time in a month I'm sending you condolences. I can't imagine what you're going through.:(

As you already were in my prayers, I'll just say that I will continue those prayers and include your entire family.

Hang in there,


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And Kenz...I am sorry about your uncle..but please don't bash a sport you don't know much about.

Guys, just let Kenz grieve the way she needs to. There's a time and a place to debate things...this is not it.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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