
New LOST spoilers.

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no season-finale is complete without someone dying. Who that will be is still anyone's guess. The survivors of Flight 815 will have another showdown with the "Others," the origins of the Dharma Initiative will be explained, and the beach occupants divide into two camps: one run by Jack (Matthew Fox) and the other Sawyer (Josh Holloway). One old face you will not be seeing is Harold Perrineau as Michael, who actually turned down an opportunity to return in the season finale. At this point, we have to assume that Michael and Walt are safe and sound at home. Source: MediaWeek [Note: Some people talk about a Jack/Locke showdown others talk about Jack/Sawyer. In any case, there will be a showdown between Jack and someone else.]

While Jack devises a plan to do away with “The Others” once and for all, Sayid uncovers a flaw in “The Others’” system that could lead to everyone’s rescue. But it requires Charlie to take on a dangerous task that may make Desmond’s premonition come true

Ben begrudgingly begins to introduce Locke to the secrets of the island, beginning with the mysterious Jacob. Meanwhile, Juliet's secret goes public. Guest starring are M.C. Gainey as Mr. Friendly/Tom, Tania Raymonde as Alex, Andrew Divoff as Mikhail, Nestor Carbonell as Richard Alpert, Marsha Thomason as Naomi, Sterling Beaumon as young Ben, Jon Gries as Roger Linus, Carrie Preston as Emily, Doug Hutchison as Horace, Samantha Mathis as Olivia and Madeline Carroll as Annie

# "At the close of the episode our beloved cast aways will inform the parachute girl that they're survivors of Oceanic flight 815. The parachute girl will give them the unfortunate news that what they've just told her is impossible seeing as how the wreckage of that flight was found and recovered, and that there were no survivors. The episode promptly ends thereafter."] Source: SpoilerFix.com
# new 04/23 - Lost Spoilers offers us a summary of the spoilers Cuse and Lindelof revealed in the latest podcast: Jae Lee commited suicide. Sun's father didn't push him off the balcony. Damon and Carlton made a point to mention that the father of Sun's baby could be Jin, Jae Lee, or a mystery person. Apparently, some people thought Jae Lee was murdered. Penny sent the parachutist. Damon and Carlton do not refer to her as Naomi. Naomi will be explained further in "D.O.C." More of Juliet's motives will be shown in "D.O.C."\

So this means Penny has found the island.

I think hurley will join sawyers camp.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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1. ''D.O.C.'' stands for ''date of conception,'' although given the deadly baby-making dynamics on the Island, it could stand for ''dead on conception.'' Tonight's episode deals with both ideas. Of course, ''D.O.C.'' also looks like ''Doc,'' which is fitting because fertility doctor Juliet has a big role in the story. (Hmmm...Maybe ''D.O.C.'' should also stand for ''deceitful or credible?'') ''D.O.C.'' also sounds like ''Dock,'' which could refer to the animal mutilation practice of ''docking,'' which has also been applied to humans as a form of corporal punishment. Example: the brand Juliet received for killing Danny. Docking is something of an eye-for-an-eye punitive practice, and as the Others have indicated, they seem to adhere to an eye-for-an-eye ethos. All of which makes me wonder if the Others are hell-bent on killing Charlie for the murder of Ethan. We shall see. Speaking of death...

2. Tonight, we will make a return visit to the Medical Hatch, and discover a secret room that Kate and Claire missed on their last visit.

3. Tonight, Jin will do kung fu.

4. Better yet, tonight, Jin will do kung fu on someone you thought was dead, but is very much alive.

5. As for whether or not Jin's kick-ass martial arts compensates for the fact that he allegedly shoots blanks, if you know what I mean — well, tonight will settle that question, too.

6. The very last scene of the episode, you're going to hear something that makes your head spin.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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