
Holyshit i'm wide the hell awake now!!!

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I was watching The first HP movie and sorta dozed off and then I herd someone slipping in the tub and then falling. I don't remember ever waking up so fast or getting out of bed so fast in my life. Grandma slipped in the tub and landed straight down on her ass. Small skin tear right over her tail bone but she says she doesn't have any back pain or pain going down her legs. Couple bruises on her arms from catching the soap dish and the rim of the tub. Didn't hit her head but damnit am i wide awake!![:/]
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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we were thinking about it but i check it over. No pain in either arm she can bend both wrists and elbows shoulders are fine and she didn't hit her head. At this point she seems fine. We keeping an eye on her BP and everything else.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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