
Happy Monday Everybody

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Do you want to tell us who you are? It is obvious you are trying to be part of the community now with all these 'wisshing well' threads of yours in the bonfire.
Most people here all have their profiles filled out and know a bit about each other.

Any chance you want to let the community know who you are, where you jump and how long you been in the sport?

If you want to just continue being the lady that hides behind a proxy and trying to keep yourself a mystery then you will quickly find out that you will not really get to know anybody here and will always just be the outcast who loves skyride and that is it.

Why not try becoming part of the community by telling us a bit about yourself, Maybe star with where you jump?

If you dont want to then it is only you who is missing out and i wish you all the best with that.

Just trying to be friendly.:)

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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I am SO GLAD that it's MONDAY! I NEED a day off now. These past five days aged me at least into my 110's! Now I just need to do someone immature to get back to "normal"

How you doin'? B|
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I dont think she wants to be part of the community mate. Shame, as she seems to like coming to the site. You would think she would like to show that she has something in common with us.

I wonder if she even skydives?

Maybe she will tell you Spence what her wingloading is?

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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It's not up to me to bring you into the community, that is your choice. btw, Yes, people do care. Alot of us know each other and open our homes up for each other while at the same time we all come from different parts of the globe. It is a great community, you should get to know us as well, that cant happen while you are hiding from everyone though. You will soon figure that out.

I am just trying to welcome you here .

Anyway, i guess you dont give a shit.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Not going to argue with you mate. It is not up to anyone else to tell everyone here who you are. That is your decision, If you want to join us all here like your happy threads seem to show then you need to introduce yourself, not get me to do it for you. That would be you taking the easy road out.

As i said, I am not going to argue with you mate, You are very welcome here, just maybe for you to get a great experience with this huge group of awesome people you might want to let people know a bit about you. Until then you will just see people call you a troll and not take any notice of you.

Can you tell everyone anything at all about yourself?
Maybe, what country do you jump in? or something to get it started.

Anyway, i will leave you alone now, I am not interested in anyone who is not interested in bullshitting us all here by hiding. I guess you are not a skydiver as you dont understand how important trust is.

At least i tried to give you some advice

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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you're right.
we don't care.

nothing to see here...move along now.;)

but happy Monday to the non-troll types on here!

If the alledged she posts some boobies then we'll care
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