
anyone have a diabetic cat?

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We just returned from the vet and hes saying our cat may be diabetic due to some glucose found in his urine.We're supposed to go back and pick him up tomorrow after the vet who is the "cat person" checks him over.Hopefully we've found the problem and it can be solved via oral medication rather than insulin,which is tougher.

Has anyone else out there gone through this or have any info on cat diabetes? I'd love some info.I'm currently scouring the internet for info.I'm worried about my kitty right now.[:/]

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I had a cat with chronic kidney problems, but no diabetes. For his last 2 years, he needed fluids regularly and I learned to do that myself at home. He was a really sweet good natured cat and he let me do it. Managing his diet and giving him fluids gave us a few extra years together. He lived to the ripe old age of 17, a good life, too, right up to his last days. Not bad for a cat who had kidney problems from the time he was 7 or 8. You can manage the diabetes too.

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We had a diabetic cat, Cypres. (Long story on how she got that name.) She passed away last May at the age of 14. She had been diagnosed with the problem in 2004. We controlled her diet with the help of our vet. We also did the insulin shots at home twice a day, every day for over three years. She tolerated them very well. They were fairly easy to administer. When we had to travel, we had great support from some friends who would give the shots to her while we were gone. Unfortunately, she also developed a urinary tract problem that could not be controlled. We did the best for our friend.

Good luck with your kitty.

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