
what is a leader?

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I went on a search to become a leader.
I searched high and low. I spoke with authorty and people listened, but alas, there was one that was wiser than I and they followed her.
I sought to inspire confidencebut the croud responded "Why should we trust you?"
I postured and assumed the look of leadership with a countenace that glowed with confidence and pride. But many passed me by and never noticed my air of elegance.
I ran ahead of the other, pointing the way to new heights. I demonstrated that I knew the route to greatness. And then I looked back and I was alone.
"What shall I do," I queried? I've tried hard and used all that I know.
And I sat me down and pondered long.
And then I listened to the voices around me. And I heard what the group was trying to accomplish.
I rolled up my sleeves and joined in the work.
As we worked I asked, "Are we all together in what we want to do and how to get the job done?"
And we thought together and we fought together and we struggled toward our goal.
I found myself encouraging the fainthearted. I sout the ideas of those too shy to speak out.
I taught those who had little skill. I praised those who worked hard.
When our task was completed, one of the groups turned to me and said, "This would not have been done but for your leadership."
At first I said, "I didn't lead, I just worked with the rest."
And then I understood: leadership is not a goal. It's a way we want to go.
I lead best when I help others to use themselves creatively.
I lead best when I forget about myself as a leader and focus on my group, their needs and their goals.
To lead is to serve. To give - to achieve TOGETHER.
- Kathryn E. Nelson
CLICK HERE! new blog posted 9/21/08
CSA #720

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That is true. The world can be evil, dark, and dismal sometimes.

I wish there were more people who want to lead in my geographic area instead of just playing with themselves
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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I thought that a leader was something that the video editor puts on the front of a skydiving video.


ahh, yes, went and drown some bait today, fresh dinner
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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