
HH Incognito?

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Typical of the Perris Valley parking lot where you can find a 2006 Ferrari parked next to a 1972 Plymouth Scamp. Yes, I actually saw the two next to one another. Or maybe it was a 2003 Maserati next to a 1976 pinto. The diversity of the skydiving community as personified by the parking lot.

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Typical of the Perris Valley parking lot where you can find a 2006 Ferrari parked next to a 1972 Plymouth Scamp. Yes, I actually saw the two next to one another. Or maybe it was a 2003 Maserati next to a 1976 pinto. The diversity of the skydiving community as personified by the parking lot.

Smart Pinto owner. Parking next to a Maserati will guarantee they won't swing open their door and dent your baby! ;)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Typical of the Perris Valley parking lot where you can find a 2006 Ferrari parked next to a 1972 Plymouth Scamp. Yes, I actually saw the two next to one another. Or maybe it was a 2003 Maserati next to a 1976 pinto. The diversity of the skydiving community as personified by the parking lot.

Smart Pinto owner. Parking next to a Maserati will guarantee they won't swing open their door and dent your baby! ;)


Smart Ferrari owner! The parking lot is the only chance a Ferrari would have, of gettin' close to a Scamp. ;):D
"T'was ever thus."

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can't be him... he makes way too much money on this site to be driving something that looks like that [/sarcasm] :D:D

[no wonder DB Cooper is still at large....:S:D]


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Typical of the Perris Valley parking lot where you can find a 2006 Ferrari parked next to a 1972 Plymouth Scamp. Yes, I actually saw the two next to one another. Or maybe it was a 2003 Maserati next to a 1976 pinto. The diversity of the skydiving community as personified by the parking lot.

Typical of this sport, as I enter year thirty one, is the duo of cops and robbers jumping together and "getting along." I've been on dives with that pairing. I was a parole officer when I began, and now I'm a defender of accused citizens.

Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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