
Custom Printing - Envelopes

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Do any of you guys have experience with custom printing?

I'm looking to have a return address printed on a TON of envelopes for a small business. I have no idea what it generally costs to do this. Obviously, the cheaper the better.

Can anyone recommend a vendor to me?


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I dont know if it would be cheaper but you can do it on any of the current budget inkjet printers and using MS Word
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Do any of you guys have experience with custom printing?

I'm looking to have a return address printed on a TON of envelopes for a small business. I have no idea what it generally costs to do this. Obviously, the cheaper the better.

Can anyone recommend a vendor to me?


I spent 10 years in offset printing and here is some info.
print is not cheap, if it's cheap it may not be good but could be good enough for what you want, depending on what you want.
if you where using these envelopes to send out bills, then why not cheap?
How many colors do you want? More color more money and not just the ink, thats the cheap part.. color separtaions, plates and all of that start to add up quickly.
but if have plates made and use the same printer for your stuff they store the plates and the next time there is no set up fee and thus makes the job cheaper.
3 things about printing. quick, cheap, or good. you can have two of the three but not all three!
for small run stuff try www.visitaprint.com

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