
Anyone into SLINGING?

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I've been learning more about this ancient weapon, the Sling, and have made a couple of them now, myself. They're fascinating, effective, and a lot of fun to make and use.

Has anyone here made or used these before?

Here's a link to a site for sling enthusiasts. This one is the general site: Slinging.org

This one is to a really cool sling design "how-to" found on their "guides and articles" page. It's one of the simpler, more effective, less-technical designs, and doesn't require stitching or much in the way of tools (just a cutting tool and a lighter, really).

I made one of these on Tuesday night to fit a tennis ball. It came out looking just like the example in the tutorial and works awesome! B|
Split pouch paracord sling

Have fun, and don't hurtcherself. ;)
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This is what I thought you were referring to before I opened your post:

From Urban Dictionary:

1. sling
The act of selling drugs
"I slang a 20 rock the other day."

2. sling
To sell drugs. Usually crack but can also refer to meth, herione, and cocaine.
"A bitch i heard you slingin glass for them surenos."
"That fool is a big ass slinger!"

And this one just sounded fun - B|
3. sling
A swing used for sexual pleasure, more than likely, hung from the celling with chains.

"That dude has a sling in his basment."

Your "sling" sounds fun, too. :P

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