
Christmas poker

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As of right now I don't have any plans other than sleeping in.....so as long as I continue to have no plans ---- doc and I would be there to play.;)

DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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I think that would be around 4AM for you nutjob!

Glad to see still posting, means that you are still with us!

Merry Christmas......

Maybe I can install PSTARS on the wifes computer and still play.
.......I hereby reject your reality and instead choose to insert my own!

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Unfortunately, I could not get a computer at 4 am here. I had planned on my x-bro in law giving me his, however, he likes his sleep and unfortunately told me to puck off for Christmas. I've got a bicycle he wants, so next week, I'll offer up a trade. He gets to borrow the bike, and I get his computer for thursday night poker.

I'm trying,,, Its just kind of a rough area to make things happen, hehhehe. Have fun tonight in poker.
Its a good day to LIVE, why puck up a good thing.

There is no reply in aad section for. " hell no i would not put an AAD on my back"

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