
Used gear, what's a good way to proceed?

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Ok, your help please.

I'm trying to buy some used gear from the classifieds here. It's a large investment. The owner is understandably nervous about selling his rig and I'm understandably nervous about sending a large sum of money to someone I dont know.

I've already agreed to pay 50% of the escrow fees, after the seller got nervous about selling to someone on the opposite coast.

Here's the impasse. I've requested the ability to return the gear if my rigger and my coach think it's not suitable (the components are perfect based on my requirements and suggestions from my coaches - it's really simply if there's something messed up on the gear). Because I'm in New England and the weather sucks, I've asked for two weekends to check it out (plus the reserve needs a repack). I would like my rigger to go through it and my coach to test jump it.

The seller thinks this is an unreasonable request. Maybe it is. Will someone please give me some perspective on this?

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As a gear dealer for both new and used gear, I do have a policy for used gear sales.

I qualify the buyer first over the phone to make sure the gear is appropriate. Have them take some measurements to see if it will be a good fit. Then I make sure I convey the condition of the gear. Any wear, patches, etc.

The buyer pays for the gear in full. They have two weekends to make sure that it is a good match. If it is not, then they can return it on their dime for a refund.

It gets tricky when it is two individuals making the deal. There is the trust factor. The buyer may not feel comfortable realasing so much money to a stranger. The seller may not feel comfortable sending an expensive piece of equipment to a stranger.

Can you find a suitable "middle man"?

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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I did this recently with another dz-dot-commer. I was doing the middle-man thing for an old friend. Since I had a bias, we agreed that it would be sent to the buyer's DZO, buyer had two weeks and the seller said that they could put one jump on it.
Ended up working perfectly.

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I've asked for two weekends to check it out (plus the reserve needs a repack). I would like my rigger to go through it and my coach to test jump it.

The seller thinks this is an unreasonable request. Maybe it is. Will someone please give me some perspective on this?

Tell the seller to take a hike and move on.

Don't let yourself get pressured into thinking that this rig or any other is THE rig you've just GOT to have. Because it ain't. It might just be a perfect rig at a great price. But the truth is, there will be others and plenty of them, you just have to be patient.

On the used market yuou and the seller both have reasons to feel nervous about sending money or a valuable rig off to a stranger. But you have every right to have the rig inspected and to put a few jumps on it. If the seller won't go for that, then adios, don't bother with them.

Give the guy one more chance to send the rig direct to a respected drop zone or loft. If he won't go for it, then move on.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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