
Approx how much should it cost to get a used rig fitted to me?

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I think my best course of action is going to be to buy a rig and have the container re-harnessed or whatever needs to be done to make it fit me, instead of waiting for someone 6'3" to sell their rig.

Anyone know approx how much that'll cost me?
cavete terrae.

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Send the rig to the original manufacturer. They will get you to fill out a measurement form. Then the design engineer will suggest a harness size for you. Last time i know this happened it costs a friend of mine $400.00 + S&H to have a new harness put in a rig he bought used, well a year old. But he still came out money wise, which is the objective i'm sure? Good Luck.
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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Just got a quote on a new harness for a javelin standard harness is 350.00 +15.00 rig inspection and shipping.A ringed harness is 650.00 +15.00 rig inspection and shipping.If the harness is already ringed its only 450.00

Hm, that's not too horrid I suppose. The one I'm hoping to buy is a Javelin, and a 6'1" guy can fit in it, so maybe I can, too :S
cavete terrae.

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