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So,looking for a little insight on family dynamics.

Why does it seem like there is so much hate and disrespect among family members?

It seem like the one member of the family that gives the most is often treated the worst:|

Does anyone have any insight into this??

Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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Ya,I known that for years to be true.
But still does not make me understand the dynamics of a family and how they can treat one another in the way that they do.

I guess I have no idea about this because most of my "natural" family passed away when I was very young

Lost my father and grandmother within a week of each other and my mother was not really around...so most of the time I just adapted a "family" of sorts.

Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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Its usually true about the nicest people being treated the worst because people take their kindness as a sign of weakness. If people let others treat them with disrespect often it invites more disrespect. Most peolple suck, and will take advantage whenever they can unfortunately:(

Wait , I pull what first?

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Guess I'm lucky. I've got a family that, despite each of us having our own neuroses and dysfunctions, is still pretty functional as a family unit. My brother and I have overcome a difficult relationship growing up and, as adults, are able to have a cordial, friendly relationship where we respect our differences. We may never be super warm and close, but we get along well.

My parents have a marriage that's lasted 46+ years (so far). Both my brother and I enjoy spending time with them. My parents like my brother's wife and stepkids, and they like my SO. Mom's a little disappointed that she's not going to have any bio-grandkids, but she hasn't let that get in the way of a strong relationship with us and our partners.

There's really very little drama. There never really has been. I was your typical drama queen pre-teen and teen growing up, and that kind of behavior was never indulged, so I got over it. Because of that, I honestly believe most family drama is self-created and self-perpetuated by people who don't know how to just ignore it.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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