
OK I'm coming out of the closet....

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Make me spell big words and go to cocktail parties and mingle!!

History has shown that you cannot spell big nor small words. :|

You realize he's posting in a foreign-to-him language, don't you?

BTW, that's big OR small words. Grammar and all.

actually nor would be more appropriate since the second part is also negative. just to be a grammar nazi :P

Papers, please.
"Nor" would be appropriate if you said "neither big nor small words". But without the "neither", it must be "or", not "nor".

In the alternative, one could say, "you cannot spell big words, nor can you spell small words". There is also the "either-or / neither-nor" distinction, which includes implied words. Thus the sentence violates that rule, too. Since the offending sentence implies the word "either", and not "neither" (and implied words count in grammar), the proper coordinate conjunction is "or", not "nor".

Using 'nor' was correct, if theonlyski meant to say that shah could not spell big words, and cannot spell small words. "Nor" is inclusive, meaning both cases are what shah cannot spell. "Or" is exclusive, meaning one or the other. The "rule" lies in the meaning of the word. If theonlyski meant to say that shah cannot spell big words, or cannot spell small words, one or the other, then 'or' would be correct. From context, it seems as though theonlyski meant to say that shah could spell neither one. If this was the case, 'nor' is the appropriate word to use.

*shooting star*
The more you know...

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Stand back and be AMAZED!
Behold! The one and only often imitated never replicated! Shah!
I would like to thank my good friend Chad "Over" who took this amazing shot out of a freaking door of a Cessna!

Thank you!
(please don't notice the student gear on my back, I was still working on safely downsizing.)
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Not only am I a mechanical engineer but my job at my current office is to work to educate students K-12 regarding the viability of a career in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

You know what they say about those who teach.....:P

Wait...so those teachers teaching us sex education in grade school actually DIDN'T know what they were doing? SHIT!!! :S:D

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Wait...so those teachers teaching us sex education in grade school actually DIDN'T know what they were doing? SHIT!!!

Well, my seventh-grade health teacher was about 8 months pregnant when she gave the sex ed unit (she took the second semester off).

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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The following phrase from your bio: "Shah used the social skills he had perfected..." made me :D, though! :P

I added a pic for the Grammar-protection Brigade...

DUDE THAT WAS EPIC! I'm keeping that one! My admin and my FA are going to love that!

Yeah well....I'm a social guy. I'm not big on sitting at my desk wondering about the lesser important matters of life.
So i noticed by an early age that the difference between a "good" engineer and a "great" one was that the good ones just sat in their cubes and pondered the meaning of life while the great ones would never say no and were always walking around the office.

Now i'm not saying I'm a great engineer but the thought of sitting for8 straight hours in my cube made me want to kill myself. So I walk about and talk to people and learn a little about what they do and what they have developed.

It's a survival mechanism really.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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