
True Story

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So I am sitting there playing some useless game on Facebook to pass some time. My 3-year old is sitting close watching Danny Phantom. I softly tap him on the chest with the back of my hand to get his attention.....the first time doesn't work. I do it again a little harder. He turns his head and looks into my eyes and says with his soft 3-year old voice "what?".

I simply say "I love you". He says in a soft and grateful 3-year old voice "thanks Daddy".

Guess you had to be there.............
"Better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing, than a long life spent in a miserable way." - Alan Watts

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My three-year old is in a cuddle phase right now, and I'm trying to soak in every minute of it. Sometimes she has a nightmares at night, usually about her older sister taking one of her toys. The other night, I put my arm around her, and she woke up from her nightmare, smiled at me and says "I love you, dadda." Then immediately closes her eyes and snores. You gotta love moments like that.

Now, my five-year old, when she doesn't get what she wants, she says "I don't love you anymore, not one single bit!" :D

Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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