
How do you decide on getting a new container without access to a demo?

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I am *thinking* about possibly getting a new container. My current container fits my main, and fits me ok, but there are things that are bothersome about my 96' Javelin TJN (it might be 95', I forget):

-In the air, it sits off of my back a bit. This probably causes some wobblyness (?).
-I get chafing or bruising at my arm pits quite often. As well as from the legstraps on my inner thighs.
-The main flap opens in freefall. Granted, this could probably be fixed with a rubber band or something.
-It is generally not all that comfy for me and I know my boyfriend's rig is comfy for him, so i'm jealous.

Good things about it :
-I already own it
-It's pretty and matches all my stuff.
-It fits my main now, and it will still fit another smaller main in the future, and then probably a smaller x-brace as well, so that is a non-issue.

- - - - - - - - -
So, i'm not sure if buying a new container would be worth it for me, but i'd darn sure like to try some on. I'd like something that is bomb-proof (freeflail friendly, super riser protection and pin protection) and SUPER-comfy! My boyfriend loves his Voodoo... I'm considering Mirage, Voodoo and Micron, but don't have access to any of them, and I assume some dzs would have some but they'd probably be guy-sized. What is a girl to do? Thoughts?


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It's a little tough to pick a rig based on the comfort of a demo. I mean, it won't be sized specifically for you, and probably won't be packed with the same size canopies you will be using. If one demo fits you a little better than another, you might falsely think that container is more comfortable than the other. One demo might have a deluxe backpad, and another might have a standard back pad. Can't directly compare em. Containers can get more comfortable as they get worn in too, so a brand new container might not be as comfortable as an older one. Also hip rings, chest rings, blah blah blah...

When I was picking a rig, comfort was definitely second to safety in my selection process. From your list, one clearly stands out safety-wise. Comfort-wise, well, depends on who you ask. You will always find people that think every rig is the most comfortable, and just as many that think that one is the least comfortable.

I'm sticking with Vectors until a.) RWS comes out with something better, or b.) someone else designs a rig that will pack itself.


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