
Atair Dragon

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I searched Atair website and this forum, but it seems like there is no information (not even rumors) available on Atair's latest bird, Dragon. The website doesn't even list one as being worked upon. Yet the label on the canopy I currently jump clearly reads: Atair Aerodynamics, Dragon, 170, MFD: April 2004 :)

So I was basically wondering when these canopies are going to hit mass production, and if anyone has jumped one, what are your impressions?

Maybe cobaltdan can offer some helpful input... :)

I've got only around 15 jumps on it, and can only compare it to the same size Spectre and Hornet. Dragon is a 7-cell rectangular, definitely quicker than a Spectre and surfs longer (disclaimer: with my lousy landing techniques applied :p). At first, I had troubles with stand-up landings, because where a Spectre lifts you up and stands you on your feet, the Dragon will glide on and on. Flare good, toggle turns very fast, riser input sluggish and it buckles, as could be expected from a canopy this size (WL of about 1.35). Not very good at making it back from long spots, even on rears... has opened always soft and on heading, but end cells will sometimes not inflate (like maybe 2 out of 10 jumps). Does not boast Atair diamonds :) and I think it is broader than the Spectre (tail-to-nose wise). The pics I have are rather crappy though.

I've not jumped the Hornet in a while (you don't really turn down offers to fly a brand spanking new toy that is so fresh, nobody has any idea what it is :p), so will abstain from comparing them for now.

I think I would buy one if I had a good deal on it.

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If you were searching www.extremefly.com, you were searching at the wrong place.
You should search at www.atair.si, but that page is still under construction so it won't help you any.
This canopy is made in Slovenia like all the other atair products, and then it's sent to all the other companies like atair USA, performance variable,.... And it's not sold in US (atair usa) yet as far as i know.
I'm not sure whether this canopy already is in massive production, but i think it is.
If you need a contact number send me an PM.
"George just lucky i guess!"

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